Ken Timmerman: Israel Defending Herself

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Ken Timmerman: Israel Defending Herself

This is the show from Wednesday December 31st, 2008.


* World-Renowned Journalist on BEL: Ten years ago Newsmax' Middle East expert Ken Timmerman tracked renegade Saudi financier Osama bin Laden and his international terrorist network halfway across the globe for Reader's Digest, publishing his expose on the unknown Saudi just weeks before he attacked two U.S. embassies in Africa. And two years ago Ken exposed the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear weapons program which led the Swedish deputy Prime Minister to nominate Mr. Timmerman for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. Now BEL reached Ken Timmerman on a ski-slope in Vermont so he can update our audience on the fighting in southern Israel and the Gaza strip.

* Reportedly 374 Palestinians and 4 Israelis Killed: Bob Enyart and Ken Timmerman correct those who criticize Israel claiming they do not use a proportionate response to Palestinian rocket attacks and terrorism generally. Terrorism itself is described as a "franchise" of the use of force to achieve political objectives, a franchise from nations that could otherwise be held to account, to groups of zealots and even individuals who cannot be easily deterred or held accountable among nations. The Bush Doctrine is, "If you harbor a terrorist, you are a terrorist," and Bob shared with Ken the BEL expansion and application of that to Yasser Arafat, "If you are a terrorist, you are a terrorist."

* There WAS NO Palestinian Country to Occupy: Israel never occupied a Palestinian country since no such country ever existed. Popular confusion notwithstanding, prior to Israel's rebirth on May 14, 1948 no country named Palestine existed, there was no Palestinian constitution, no Palestinian currency, no Palestinian president nor prime minister, and there were no borders of any supposed Palestinian state. In 2004, Bob Enyart told famed Arab extremist Hussein Ibish that Palestinian textbooks did not even recognize Israel on maps of the Middle East. Enyart updates that account stating that he paid $200 for a brand new West Bank school book to a Palestinian man who worked for a mutual friend, and that book published in 2003 presented middle eastern maps but DID NOT indicate Israel. Expert Ken Timmerman not only confirmed this truth, but added that US AID to the Palestinians to correct that extreme defect is used to pay for new textbooks which still do not show Israel on their maps.

* Jewish Bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946: Though a staunch defender of Israel's right to exist, and their defense against Islamic and Arab aggressors, Bob questioned the morality of Menachem Begin's bombing of the King David Hotel which killed 91 people including civilians. Ken Timmerman stated that by today's usage, many would considered that a terrorist attack, and that the British military headquarters was located in the King David.

Post-show Notes

* Balestine:
Palestinians do not even pronounce the letter ‘p' and so would never create a state with a name they struggle to pronounce. The Arabs living in Israel tend to pronounce this "Balestine."

* Come to Denver to Hear Eric Metaxas who wrote Amazing Grace: Eric wrote the book that inspired the movie Amazing Grace! Colorado Right To Life has reserved the steps of the Capitol in Denver to hold a rally and then march to the 16th Street Mall when it's teeming with people, at noon on Thur. Jan. 22nd! Eric Metaxas wrote the best-selling Amazing Grace documenting the relentless effort of perhaps the greatest abolitionist of all time, William Wilberforce, who worked for 46 years to end slavery! Abortion was legalized in our state forty-one years ago yet in 2008 we had 585,000 Coloradans vote for personhood to end all abortions! Don't give up! Don't be discouraged! Stand up for God and for His command, Do not murder! Come out and join Bob Enyart and hundreds of other pro-life Christians at noon on January 22nd at the Capitol and hear Eric Metaxas encourage us with the lessons learned by Wilberforce in his life's work to recognize the slave's right to life and liberty! Call 303 753-9394 or see for more information!

* BEL Indiana Seminars: Bob Enyart is coming to Indiana, Goshen in the evening of Jan. 29th and Indianapolis on Saturday January 31st, to present a brand new BEL Seminar titled Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. You'll love it! Click for more info and to register please call 1-800-8Enyart!

Today's Resource: Watch Bob Enyart's DVD, Bible Tour of Israel! Filmed on location, you will feel like you are there and you'll learn a lot about Israel and the evidence corroborating the story of the Bible! Also, you can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart's entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
That is all lies. Drbrummley will straighten you out.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I get "Access Denied" when trying to stream shows. Is that by design? :)
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