Keith Mason Breaks Into Studio

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Keith Mason Breaks Into Studio

This is the show from Monday October 1st, 2007.

BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: (From Robert Breaud)
March [of 2008] will be 14 years that I've been set free from [homosexuality]. And people will ask, "How?, why?" Well, I used to say, and still do, that I got my fill of the emptiness.


* Keith Mason: breaks into the studio, and pleads, "Help the BEL Telethon!"

* Jason Storms and Lee Smith: of Faithful Soldier School of Evangelism join Keith to talk about the amazing impact Bob Enyart Live has had on their lives.

* Robert Breaud: of the Biblical Research Center joins Keith to discuss his transformation from a homosexual lifestyle to becoming a Christian, and the impact Bob Enyart Live has had on him.

* The BEL TV Classics: are now on DVD, and Keith Mason and his guests share their personal testimonies on how powerful the Bob Enyart Live TV show was and encourage listeners to purchase a subscription to the BEL Televised Classics to help the telethon, and your first month is FREE!

Today's Resource: The studio has been hijacked and the Telethon continues for one more week! The BEL Televised Classics are the best way to give to the telethon and your first month is free! Call us now at 1-800-8Enyart. (836-9278)
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