Justice John Roberts Permits Illegal Drugs in Church

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Justice John Roberts Permits Illegal Drugs in Church

Tuesday February 21st, 2006. This is show # 37.

John Roberts, I thought he was a strict constructionist. I thought that was his big schtick. ...Why didn't John Roberts say, "You know what? The Constitution says in Article 6, 'All treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land.' We made a treaty as the United States of America...not to import DMT to fight against the importation of drugs including [DMT]. And so that treaty should take precedence over our own opinion that religious liberties should outweigh a prohibition of this illegal drug.'"

...What happened to original intent?

Lord Vader

New member
Jefferson said:
Justice John Roberts Permits Illegal Drugs in Church

Tuesday February 21st, 2006. This is show # 37.


DMT is a short lasting hallucinagen, which means it won't have an impact on worker performance. Opiates, marijuana, heroin... the illegal drugs have an impact on worker performance which has an impact on productivity and profits. If and as soon as DMT turns up on a national report of worker productivity, it will be illegal again in a nano second. So does booze, but everyone partakes of booze, including Judges.


New member
I suspect it is just part of Pastor Enyart's rant against any judges who do not toe his (Pastor Enyart's) line and his particular interpretation of God and His Word. The Taliban is OK as long as it is his Taliban.

Frank Ernest

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Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
I suspect it is just part of Pastor Enyart's rant against any judges who do not toe his (Pastor Enyart's) line and his particular interpretation of God and His Word. The Taliban is OK as long as it is his Taliban.
:darwinsm: You poor, oppressed little dude!


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Hall of Fame
Enyart really needs to get over himself, not that I hold out hope.

Roberts made the right call: allowing the state to meddle with a sect's liturgy would set a very dangerous precedent.


New member
Roberts made the right call: allowing the state to meddle with a sect's liturgy would set a very dangerous precedent.
You'd think that a pastor would see the danger in this. What happens if a "treaty" takes over Bob's religious liberty?

Lord Vader

New member
Frank Ernest said:
:darwinsm: You poor, oppressed little dude!

Responses like this, where the poster is apparently unaware that they are just making themselves look retarded, remind me of a theory I once formed about Hell. Hell is a place where they fix your brain so that it works perfectly; at optimum performance, clearly, finally free of the vagaries of physical limitations like brain damage, limited IQ, personality quirks, (think of the character from the tv show, "MASH", Frank Burns with his brains fixed so that he's no longer like *Frank Burns*)... and then they make you watch a video tape of yourself on earth from birth to death.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Lord Vader said:
Responses like this, where the poster is apparently unaware that they are just making themselves look retarded, remind me of a theory I once formed about Hell. Hell is a place where they fix your brain so that it works perfectly; at optimum performance, clearly, finally free of the vagaries of physical limitations like brain damage, limited IQ, personality quirks, (think of the character from the tv show, "MASH", Frank Burns with his brains fixed so that he's no longer like *Frank Burns*)... and then they make you watch a video tape of yourself on earth from birth to death.
:darwinsm: Looks like I struck the appropriate nerve. :thumb:

Got confirmation from Johnny.


TOL Subscriber
So the Bush / re-publican "christian" judge is pro-drugs.:(


Next thing you know he'll let a violent murderer of the hook.
Oh wait, he already did that.:mad:


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Hall of Fame
He made the right call on this one. It remains to be seen what else Roberts does throughout his career but this time he made a good decision.
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