Just days before nuclear talks end, Iran seizes Yemen. U.S. evacuates, but Saudis...


[Just days before nuclear talks end, Iran seizes Yemen. U.S. evacuates, but Saudis & Arab coalition launch war to retake Yemen. Where will this lead? By Joel Rosenberg] "In just a few days, we will reach the March 31st deadline to complete nuclear negotiations with Iran.Yet rather than conclude a deal that would truly stop Iran from getting The Bomb and constrain Iranian aggression in the Middle East, consider the surreal events presently unfolding:

•The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Khamenei, has in recent days repeated his call for “Death to America,” yet the international community continues to offer Iran a legal path to enrich uranium, expand its nuclear infrastructure, end economic sanctions and remove all nuclear inspectors, and thus have a clear path to The Bomb.

•The international nuclear watchdog agency known as the IAEA is warning the world that Iran continues to refuse to disclose all of the military dimensions of its nuclear program, yet the international community continues to offer Iran a legal path to The Bomb. “The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said that Iran has failed to provide the information or access needed to allay the agency’s concerns about the weapons potential of the country’s nuclear program,” reports the Washington Post. “With the deadline nearing for international talks on constraining Iran’s nuclear program, Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA, said in an interview that Iran has replied to just one of a dozen queries about ‘possible military dimensions’ of past nuclear activities.”

•Iranian-backed Shia Radicals known as the “Houthis” have led a miltiary coup in Yemen, a Middle Eastern nation that lies on the southern border of Saudi Arabia, a key American ally in the region. Yemen’s president, also an American ally, has resigned and fled the country. ISIS Radicals are also trying to take over the country and has launched a series of horrific suicide bombings in the capital of Sanaa. Chaos is unfolding as Tehran pushes to seize control of yet another country in the region in an effort to surround Saudi Arabia and eventually Israel. Yet rather than counter the Iranian Radicals, the U.S. has evacuated our Embassy and all our military forces from Yemen and has essentially surrendered the country to Iran, even as the world puts Iran on the legal path to The Bomb.

•Now, a Sunni Arab alliance led by Saudi Arabia – and comprising some ten nations, including Egypt, Jordan and some of the Gulf emirates — have launched a major military offensive to stop Iran’s attempt to seize Yemen. The Saudis have committed 150,000 soldiers and 100 fighter jets to a ground, air and naval war they have dubbed “Operation Decisive Storm.” The U.S. is providing some intelligence assistance but little else to block this Iranian coup attempt, even as President Obama prepares to put Iran on the legal path to The Bomb.

•At the same time, consider this bizarre but true headline: “U.S. Backs Iran With Airstrikes Against ISIS.” As Newsweek’s online magazine notes, “The American-led coalition is now launching airstrikes to support Iranian-backed militias and Iraqi troops in the key city of Tikrit, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast. Those forces had previously kicked off their operation to reclaim Saddam Hussein’s hometown from the self-proclaimed Islamic State without informing the U.S. military. But when that campaign stalled, they turned to American airpower.”

•Meanwhile, the latest reports from the Iran negotiations suggest the U.S. is caving into Tehran’s demands in recent days, desperately hoping to secure an “historic” nuclear deal. As one report noted, “The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the administration’s position in the negotiations. U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that Iran be forced to disclose the full range of its nuclear activities at the outset of a nuclear deal, a concession experts say would gut the verification the Obama administration has vowed would stand as the crux of a deal with Iran.”

•Increasingly, the evidence suggests President Obama sees Iran as a potential new force for peace and stability in the Middle East while seeing Israel as an obstacle to peace. As one respected Middle East analyst writing in the Wall Street Journal noted this week: “Let’s connect the dots. Data point No. 1: President Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011 and is preparing to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2016, even while keeping a few more troops there this year and next than originally planned. Point No. 2: The Obama administration keeps largely silent about Iran’s power grab in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, even going so far now as to assist Iranian forces in Tikrit, while attempting to negotiate a nuclear deal with Tehran that would allow it to maintain thousands of centrifuges. Point No. 3: Mr. Obama berates Benjamin Netanyahu for allegedly “racist” campaign rhetoric, refuses to accept his apologies, and says the U.S. may now “re-assess options,” code words for allowing the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state over Israeli objections. Taken together, these facts suggest that Mr. Obama is attempting to pull off the most fundamental realignment of U.S. foreign policy in a generation. The president is pulling America back from the leading military role it has played in the Middle East since 1979, the year the Iranian hostage crisis began and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He is trying to transform Iran from an enemy to a friend. He is diminishing the alliance with Israel, to lows not seen since the 1960s. Call it the Obama Doctrine: The U.S. puts down the burden, and Iran picks up the slack...” Full text: Just days before nuclear talks end, Iran seizes Yemen. U.S. evacuates, but Saudis & Arab coalition launch war to retake Yemen. Where will this lead? Mt 24:6

Also see:

Mounting evidence suggests President Obama preparing to “divorce” Israel. What are the implications if he does?


Why are we on the same side as al Qaeda in Yemen? We do their dirty work for em now?

:Nineveh: Obama said he would
transform :5020: us. :idunno: And here we are. :freak: Ob 7

"The president is pulling America back from the leading military role it has played in the Middle East since 1979, the year the Iranian hostage crisis began and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He is trying to transform Iran from an enemy to a friend. He is diminishing the alliance with Israel, to lows not seen since the 1960s..." ~ Joel Rosenberg



New member
[Just days before nuclear talks end, Iran seizes Yemen. U.S. evacuates, but Saudis & Arab coalition launch war to retake Yemen. Where will this lead? By Joel Rosenberg] "In just a few days, we will reach the March 31st deadline to complete nuclear negotiations with Iran.URL]

I'm going to read this whole thing later.

But it is truly BIZARRE how the pres. shows favoritism toward the terrorists. I DO understand that it would better to get a deal with Iran.. than NOT but

Well, u know.. I don't even know what the Deal is. Last time I heard, no average American non-WhiteHouse employee knows..



New member
Why do you suppose it is that the Arab League is worried enough to contemplate forming a joint military force when there's a civil war going on in Yemen, but when ISIS is gobbling up Iraq and Syria, and even threatening Jordan, they can't seem to be bothered? Is ISIS not bad enough? Are the Houthis really that much worse?


New member
I'm going to read this whole thing later.

But it is truly BIZARRE how the pres. shows favoritism toward the terrorists. I DO understand that it would better to get a deal with Iran.. than NOT but

Well, u know.. I don't even know what the Deal is. Last time I heard, no average American non-WhiteHouse employee knows..


Both sides are terrorists. The only way to not show favoritism toward the terrorists is to stay out of it completely. Yet you holler about that idea too.


New member
We need to sit this one out,
there are no good guys
in this conflict.

Sure there is: The democratic nation of Israel.

They don't do the following things:

(1) use children as human shields and suicide attacks.

(2) engage in forced female 'circumcision' = removal of the clitoris.

(3) chop off people's hands and feet for stealing a loaf of bread.

(4) suggest that all who don't follow their religion are under the death penalty.

(5) use threats, force and torture to coerce religious conversion.

(6) force females into an uneducated 'servant class'.

(7) behead Christians.

On the other hand, the Israelis DO these things:

(1) drop leaflets in Arabic and phone ahead before attacks to warn civilians to vacate target areas.

(2) Treat men and women equally and grant them fundamental rights to education and self-determination.

(3) Give Arabs more rights in Israel than they have in Arab countries.

(4) Offer land in exchange for peace treaties.

goodness may be relative, but its measureable.