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lifeguard at the cement pond
From wiki:


President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, freeing the enslaved people in Texas and all the rebellious parts of Southern secessionist states of the Confederacy.[25][26]

(Juneteenth marks the anniversary of the announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army general Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for enslaved people in Texas.)

Enforcement of the Proclamation generally relied upon the advance of Union troops. Texas, as the most remote state of the former Confederacy, had seen an expansion of slavery and had a low presence of Union troops as the American Civil War ended; thus, enforcement there had been slow and inconsistent prior to Granger's announcement.[7] Although the Emancipation Proclamation declared an end to slavery in the Confederate States, it did not end slavery in states that remained in the Union. For a short while after the fall of the Confederacy, slavery remained legal in two of the Union border states – Delaware and Kentucky.[27][28][c] Those enslaved people were freed with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished chattel slavery nationwide on December 6, 1865. The last enslaved people present in the continental United States were freed when those held by the Choctaw, who had sided with the Confederacy, were released in 1866.[29][30]

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lifeguard at the cement pond
So the last State to abolish slavery is, unsurprisingly, the one our current racist President is from.

And the last slaves to be freed in the country were those held by indigenous peoples. Very few people today are aware that indigenous Americans owned slaves, both in the colonial and post colonial period, and in the pre-columbian period. When I try to discuss this with my leftist sister she disbelieves me. 😅

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Looks like one day isn't enough. Joe the Rapist looks to be starting the celebrations early, so I'm going to come on here and just remind everybody what Juneteenth really is celebrating 😁

Juneteenth - celebrating the day that Republicans told Democrats they couldn't own slaves anymore.

And boy did they get mad. Started the Ku Klux Klan. Passed Jim Crow laws and segregationalist policies. Lynched black men in the middle of the night. Spat on little black girls who were trying to go to schools that the Republicans said they were entitled to go to. Murdered northern Jewish young men / college students who came down to help ensure that black people could exercise their constitutional rights.

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lifeguard at the cement pond
So do we exclude black people from the 4th of July celebrations next month?

Do they all become slaves again for a day?