Judgment Post:


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Judgment post:

Written, ( 062008 ) / June 20, 2008:

Romans 1:28-32 KJV through Romans 2:1-2 KJV
Who judges and who does not have the right to judge? – 1Corinthians 2:15-16 KJV - WOW!! I can’t accept thaaAT.
The “non-Christian” cannot accept the answer, but that’s not surprising. Why do you think God brings judgment to a nation? – Jeremiah 5:7-10 KJV
Have you seen the weather? Myyyy! Who could have ever guessed it!!???
Have you seen what’s going on in your government? WOWW, I would have never “guessed” things would go so haywire??? MYYY!!
I may have been wrong; I thought God would have to bring an “Earth Quake” of some great size to do great harm, - but again; all it takes is just a little rain. Ain’t God POWERFUL? He answers all his children’s prayers. None from the evil side, but you already knew thaaaat. All your prayers are answered I’ll bet, -- but the chaos continues, HHMMMMmmmm.

I’d like you to read something; it’s an example of this. – 2 Samuel 24:16-25 KJV
When God brought evil upon the land, how many righteous, and how, was God caused to stay the hand of the ANGEL? Who does the reaping; David, God, or the Angels?
Matthew 13:30 KJV
All the Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, and all the rest can pray all day, and they still can’t get the job done. - Yes!! Just one is all it takes, one time, as I’ve said before. But they’re going to stand in their own little “steadfast tracks”, and let the world go to the Devil, before they’ll give an inch toward the Lord.

Some have asked, “Why don’t I pray, and bring an end to it” (If I’m so “full of myself”)?
I have nothing to lose, and that is not my world, as it is yours. My world is not that world, and mine is not your world. I’ll end up with nothing of your world – Deuteronomy 18:1-2 KJV & Joshua 18:7 KJV

Looks like someone would finally understand that you must have the authority of Christ before you’re ordained / ordered to pray for relief. - That’s in the name of Christ.
What’s it going to take, - and how much pain; before someone will ask, “HOW”? “What must I do”?, and mean it? You are “Christians” aren’t you? Your prayers are going to have to be answered, but they are not going to be answered, “in your name”, and your way. It must be the Lord’s way and you must know what to pray for from the Lord. “Read the BOOK”, that’s what it says. – Romans 8:26-28 KJV – John 11:33-42 KJV - What is prayer to you? Just the same old doctrine taught by the heathens that has no meaning, and prayers are not answered the way you desire? Christ said: Matthew 21:22 KJV
John 12:50 KJV
John 14:13-14 KJV
John 15:16 KJV
So you have chosen a doctrine to believe, and have chosen a Church to uphold. Maybe that’s the problem in part. It’s Christ who chooses his own, you don’t choose him, He chooses you, but that doesn’t mater these days in that world.
Psalms 3:6 KJV & Psalms 68:17 KJV
Matthew 8:11-12 KJV

Some of you just want the weather to calm down and the Country to get back on track for your rebellion of Christ, but it “CAN’T” -- ENJOY!!!

Paul – 062008