Judaism's Symbol of Satan


New member
The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the Jewish Talmud either. So where does it come from?

There is one star associated with the Jews in the Bible. It is associated with Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the symbol of a false god called Remphan.

Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.


Well-known member
Numbers 24:
“I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near.
A star will come out of Jacob;
a scepter will rise out of Israel."

You, sir, are a bigoted fool.


New member
The inverted pentagram is not the star of David.

The inverted pentagram is a symbol of Satan. That is the 5 pointed star. This post though is about the six pointed star known as the "star of David." The name is misleading since there is no "star" associated with David. This is the star of Remphan, or Satan.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the Jewish Talmud either. So where does it come from?

There is one star associated with the Jews in the Bible. It is associated with Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the symbol of a false god called Remphan.

Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

We know that Judaism is anti-Christ.

There is also something about a star in Amos 5:26.


Well-known member
We know that Judaism is anti-Christ.

There is also something about a star in Amos 5:26.

It isn't even called a "star" in Hebrew.

Judaism pre-dates your Jesus- who himself was Jewish. We just keep our ancient traditions. How that makes us "anti-Christ" is an interesting question.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
It isn't even called a "star" in Hebrew.

Judaism pre-dates your Jesus- who himself was Jewish. We just keep our ancient traditions. How that makes us "anti-Christ" is an interesting question.

If you could you would crucify him again.


New member
The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the Jewish Talmud either. So where does it come from?

There is one star associated with the Jews in the Bible. It is associated with Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the symbol of a false god called Remphan.

Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
In symbolism a six point star represents good and evil. An upright five point star represents a righteous man. A downright five point star represents a unrighteous man. The star of David is a upright five point star. The messianic star was originally a upright five point star, but later it was changed to a six point star. The star of Remphan is a six point star. The upright triangle represents the principle of good, and the downright triangle represents the principle of evil.


New member
The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the Jewish Talmud either. So where does it come from?

There is one star associated with the Jews in the Bible. It is associated with Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the symbol of a false god called Remphan.

Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

You many be onto something here....just like the crescent moon represents pagan islam.

Just look at how the Jews disobeyed Yahweh and were given-up to the worship of idols, demons and false gods. How can it be that Jews proclaim the worship of one true God when all the way through their book of faith they repeatedly worshiped a whole multitude of false gods?!

Lev 17.5 - 7

The reason which may bring the sons of Israel their sacrifices which they were sacrificing in the open field may bring to Yahweh at the doorway of the meeting tent to the priest and sacrifice sacrifices of peace to Yahweh. The priest shall sprinkle the blood on the altar of Yahweh at the doorway of the tent of the meeting and offer the fat soothing aroma to Yahweh. And they shall no longer sacrifice their sacrifices to the devils which they play after; this shall be a permanent statute likewise throughout their generations.

Judges 10.6

Again the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of Yahweh and worshiped the Baals and the Ashtaroth and the gods of Aram and the gods of Sidon and the gods of Moab and the gods of the sons of Ammon and the gods of the Philistines and forsook Yahweh and did not worship Him.

For thousands upon thousands of years the Jews worshipped an untold number of gods. Given this horrible, rock-bottom track record, how in the world can a modern-day Jew proclaim to be worshipping the creator God of the Universe, as He intended, with any certainty at all?

Clearly, there would have been no need for the Jews to feel the need to fabricate multiple gods, unless they had already been exposed to a uni-plural Creator of which they could not comprehend even to this very day.

Yahweh has always revealed Himself as Triune. Many misled early Jews saw this revelation and ran with it…making a multiplicity of separate gods…not being cognizant that the God revealed in their scriptures invokes plurality in one God.

The NT records that many Jews immediately understood that Jesus was God in the flesh. How then would this be possible – unless they had a very good understanding of the OT scriptures and knew that Yahweh had already manifested Himself to the prophets?

Only Trinitarian Christians are able to see the Creator God was He has revealed Himself.


New member
The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the Jewish Talmud either. So where does it come from?
The first equations of the Hexagram Star with David that we have in records or otherwise written form are from the Middle Ages (I think on a Jewish gravestone for someone named David). That's over 1000 years after David, so it probably arose then.

The hexagram, like the swastika, was and still is very common in Hinduism, which is a very ancient religion. It is called the Shatkona. In fact one of the earliest findings we have of the hexagram in Judaism is from an ancient synagogue in Capernaum where it is engraved near a swastika. It seem therefore to have come from Hinduism.
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This really doesn’t surprise me in the slightest bit from these anti-Semetic bigots. The term “star of David” actually comes from the Hebrew term – מָגֵן דָוִד mogén David, which means “shield of David,” or “crest of David.” At least David was a real human being who actually made footprints on the planet earth, unlike the chr-stian fairy tale.

But who knows, maybe some of them actually drank “Mad Dog” back in the 1970’s. Mogen David = Star of David = Mad Dog.

Gentiles named it “star of David” Jews did not.


New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4589841 said:
This really doesn’t surprise me in the slightest bit from these anti-Semetic bigots. The term “star of David” actually comes from the Hebrew term – מָגֵן דָוִד mogén David, which means “shield of David,” or “crest of David.” At least David was a real human being who actually made footprints on the planet earth, unlike the chr-stian fairy tale.

But who knows, maybe some of them actually drank “Mad Dog” back in the 1970’s. Mogen David = Star of David = Mad Dog.

Gentiles named it “star of David” Jews did not.

When you Christ-murderers are finished calling Christians 'bigots', kindly show us some scripture to back up your denial...


New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4589878 said:
Used douche water idiots like you don't even deserve a response, so this is the best you get you simpleton nimrod.

Come back with scripture after you unload that chip on your shoulder...


New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4589841 said:
This really doesn’t surprise me in the slightest bit from these anti-Semetic bigots. The term “star of David” actually comes from the Hebrew term – מָגֵן דָוִד mogén David, which means “shield of David,” or “crest of David.” At least David was a real human being who actually made footprints on the planet earth, unlike the chr-stian fairy tale.

But who knows, maybe some of them actually drank “Mad Dog” back in the 1970’s. Mogen David = Star of David = Mad Dog.

Gentiles named it “star of David” Jews did not.

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world."

According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians.

There are historical records that show Christ is a real person.