JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 8/7-8/9/09:


Well-known member
Help is a second chance. And the thing
With the two is you don't get second chances hardly ever.
Or even help for that matter.
Believe me as I know first-hand experience.
With my asbergers and with my depression.
Over getting help and seeking it.


Well-known member
Don't be afraid to get help as God is awaiting.
For you to answer to Him.
Because He is there waiting
Through Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord.
To open you and welcome you.
With open arms to get help.
Again it is called an intervention.
For help and most of all, it
Is a thing called second chances.


Well-known member
We all have favorites like a favorite celebrity.
A favorite car or a favorite sports team.
As it is normal and human.
We all have favorites and that
There is nothing wrong with it.
But with God, He has no favorites.
As He treats them no more
Nor no less you see.
He never plays favorites at all.
Aren't you glad?!