Jonah Goldberg (and Trump?) say no evidence Trump is a conservative


New member
Jonah Goldberg says there is no evidence Trump is a conservative.

seems there is some evidence to the opposite, in fact.

People do evolve, but we conservatives and those who want real change in WA... well, we obviously have to be very careful who we vote for.

Cruz is a sure bet. Probably Jindal, Carson, and Walker are as well. Those are the only ones I am sure of at this point... w/ no doubts

in any case, in the 80s (probably around 1987) Trump was contacted by Abraham Hirschfeld who wanted advice. Hirschfeld was a real estate developer but wanted to be a politician. He tried to run for lieutenant governor against [then NY] Governor Cuomo but half way through the campaign was "ruled out" by the governor [whatever that means, exactly...]

Trump, from The Art of the Deal ("diary" from the book):

"Abe knows I'm friendly with the governor... wants my advice... on whether he should endorse Cuomo or switch parties and endorse Cuomo's opponent [implying this opponent was a Republican].

I tell him it's a no-contest question--stick with a winner and a good guy at that."

so... the liberal Cuomo was a good guy and a winner, the R was a loser...



New member
Trump looks like he wants to scare everyone into voting for him...

again, maybe he should try Mexico or China...

(they are all smarter than us dumb Americanos.... ya know)

now, true, some of our leaders are very... well Dumb doesn't say it...

but then...

well, whatever...

I guess words like Stupid and Idiot don't really tell us much??
