John Roberts’s full-throated gay marriage dissent: Constitution ‘had nothing to do wi


New member
guess what, they were on the 4 end of the stick. Deal with it.
Um, I'm dealing with it. But they had truth on their side. Truth is truth, even when it loses in the "peace and love hippy drippie" arena of saccharine milk-sops.


New member
It's nice to see that it isn't the bileful screen penned by Scalia. But he makes some curious and rather basic errors, I think. While he seems to recognize and acknowledge the establishment of a fundamental right to marry, he seems to also allow states complete authority to define marriage, which has the obvious and extant effect of placing a fundamental right in the hands of the discretion of states. This approach is truly baffling to me, and leads me to wonder what stops a state from defining marriage as "the union of two people who are both white", in his line of thinking.

The explanation for this rather fuzzy judicial theory that a fundamental right may be trumped by a state's authority to define a word may be explained by the fact that he engages in some imaginary history that somehow marriage is an unchanging thing for all of human time and history. This is especially strange given that he presides over a jurisdiction with 50+ distinct definitions of marriage, many of which have been changed several times over the past few decades, sometimes by the predecessors to his own court.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
now that two guys living together are protected

what are we going to do about the children?


New member
why do two guys living together need protection?

maybe they just need approval

Take it up with the Supreme Court. It's not the general custom to impugn the motives of those seeking to marry, so why listen to it about a group of people who are still widely distrusted?


Hall of Fame
Take it up with the Supreme Court. It's not the general custom to impugn the motives of those seeking to marry, so why listen to it about a group of people who are still widely distrusted?

Exactly ... since when has marriage licenses ever been determined by the motives of those applying for them? How could the would be mind readers go about proving such motivations?

I mean sure ... we all know that Anna Nicole loved her elderly husband because he was young at heart and he loved Anna because of her maturity and devotion.


New member
Exactly ... since when has marriage licenses ever been determined by the motives of those applying for them? How could the would be mind readers go about proving such motivations?

The thing that really gives me hope is that the people who distrust LGBT people are getting fewer and more marginal every day.

I mean sure ... we all know that Anna Nicole loved her elderly husband because he was young at heart and he loved Anna because of her maturity and devotion.

:) It's a union that only comes of great understanding, and interest. The interest that one person has for the huge dividends that the union provides from another person.