ECT John Newton's Politics


Well-known member

The whole system of my politics is summed up in that one sentence, "The Lord reigneth!"


The times look awfully dark indeed; and as the clouds grow thicker–the stupidity of the nation seems proportionally to increase. If the Lord had not a remnant here, I would have very formidable apprehensions. But He loves His children; some are sighing and mourning before Him, and I am sure He hears their sighs, and sees their tears. I trust there is mercy in store for us at the bottom; but I expect a shaking time before things get into a right channel–before we are humbled, and are taught to give Him the glory.

The state of the nation, the state of the churches–both are deplorable! Those who should be praying–are disputing and fighting among themselves! Alas! how many professors are more concerned for the mistakes of government, or of the Americans, than for their own sins;- when will these things end?

{Letter of John Newton to Rev. W. Bull on Feb 24, 1778}


New member
Any man, any community or nation that is left to its own devices has been fitted for destruction.This is reflected or manifested in the leaders who the Almighty sends. Blind guides to give the people the desires of their desperately wicked and idolatrous hearts.

"But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full".


Well-known member
Any man, any community or nation that is left to its own devices has been fitted for destruction.This is reflected or manifested in the leaders who the Almighty sends. Blind guides to give the people the desires of their desperately wicked and idolatrous hearts.

"But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full".

Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
Isaiah 46:11

Thinking that "man from a far country" or "ravenous bird from the east" has already settled on most (if not all) of Europe and looks to envelope North America more thoroughly...


New member
The ravenous bird was Cyrus and that prophesy was fulfilled. Historically we learn from the physical judgements that fell upon Yisra'el, but today the judgements are silent and spiritual. Death, of course, being the exception, death is the wages of sin and that judgement is steadfast.
If asked what the most terrifying judgement to fall upon America in this age is. I would say the allowing of pride to be fed and flourish.