Jimmy-ing the Truth:

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I didn’t realize until recently just how foolish a Fool can get, or just how far a Fool will go to uphold his own doctrine and condemn the Truth. – Anyone can call any one else a false Prophet, but to call a Prophet that speaks or writes the TRUTH a false prophet is truly a FOOL. Jimmy, you did just that this morning; - Tuesday, 02/22/11. – Not only that, with the study you must have, you just LIED about the Truth in the passage, - 2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV - “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: ONLY HE WHO NOW LETTETH WILL LET , until he be taken out of the way”. ----- The LIAR that you are, said that it’s the Church, or maybe the cross, that was the one that was LETTING the coming / HOLDING BACK the coming. The fool can’t use the rest of the Scriptures, but add these Scriptures to that: --- 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 KJV – “And now ye know what WITHHOLDETH THAT HE MIGHT BE REVEALED in his time. 7- For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: ONLY HE WHO NOW LETTETH WILL LET, UNTIL HE be taken out of the way. 8- AND THEN SHALL THAT WICKED BE REVEALED”. ----- What does that say; - the Truth, or the Truth that you fools can’t believe because it is the TRUTH? --- It’s not the Church or the cross that was holding / letting the coming. - READ THIS YOU FOOLS! --- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven -(WITH A SHOUT, WITH THE VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL )-”. ----- The Lord could not have come without the shout of the Archangel / Michael. -- Now that is what Christ SAID, and YOU said it is / was the Church, like the lying fool / False Prophet you are.

It’s my guess that you believe that the man of sin is going to teach the “TRUTH”, because he’s a LIAR, and the “TRUTH” is not IN HIM, - YOU FOOL!. – When the Devil quoted Scripture to Jesus after his baptism of John; Jesus didn’t say “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU SATAN”. Jesus just gave another Scripture that over-rode the Word that Satan spoke. -- BUT YOU! - You have to deny any Scripture that is spoken by anyone other than your self-righteous self. You cannot give countering Scriptures that don‘t contradict any other Word, you just DENY EVERYTHING THAT IS TRUTH like the FOOL you are.
That so called Prophet you read from today, any half-wit can make up a prophesy that the Lord has already prophesied like your fake prophet did, pretending to speak for God! - How foolish can anyone be? - God doesn’t “SPEAK” to his Prophets usually; he shows them, and the Prophet puts it in his own truthful words from a good heart, not a lying heart. --- You fools, you can’t believe any of this because I WROTE IT, and YOU DIDN’T. - SO BE IT!

In spite of all you can teach about any true Prophet of Christ, -- I am not a part of any other group, nor am I a brother of or to any other person in your world. – AND it doesn’t cost me or any child or old person or NEEDY PERSON, nor do I have to depend on a group / church of fools to get my sayings out. If the Lord wants it out, no one can stop it, like Satan will stop the nonsense you cost thousands of people through your constant begging and crying, and tear jerking stories. You said it yourself, “God has nothing to sell”. – Let’s see your foolishness in the countries as they fall to the enemy, and at what cost for NAUGHT.

Jimmy! – Just because you can’t receive it, doesn’t mean that it’s from the Antichrist.
The Cross was the altar where Jesus shed his carnal blood for “Israel”, not for the Gentiles, and Jesus was crucified and gave his LIFE, and was buried, and was resurrected / drank the cup of the Gospel for the GENTILES. - The Gospel is the “TRINITY”. -- Jesus is the “DEATH”, Jesus is the “BURIAL”, and Jesus is the “RESURRECTION”; - the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Jesus is all three and YOU HAVE DENIED “HIM”, because they are the “GOSPEL” to be OBEYED. --- 1 Peter 4:17 KJV – “Judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, WHAT SHALL THE END BE OF THEM THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF GOD”? The Gospel / that new Trinity is the Blood / Life of the New Testament, and the Body of Christ, the Church. --- Matthew 28:19 KJV – “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ( The Gospel ), baptizing them IN THE “NAME” OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST”. ----- Neither you nor any of the fools with you, can prove this wrong; you just can’t accept it because I, the - “devil” - have shown it to you; HHAAHH! ---- Thank Christ there’s a HELL!

Paul -- 022211
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