Jesus the Christ is the Resurrection:


New member
There is nothing carnal in Jesus Christ. Every carnal act, good and bad is done outside of Christ. If one is in Christ, he is in the Spirit of Christ and all his doings are done, not in Christ, but he is not condemned for doing them, and is only justified in doing them. Where if a lost person does the same thing, he is condemned for doing them, and is NOT justified for doing those same wonderful works. – All carnal works, good and bad are done in the darkness for the saved and for the lost. – Most all of you believe that your good works are counted in your favor, but they are not; even if you were saved. – That’s how blind and far from the Truth most of you are.

There is no gain of any kind, or possessions that any of you can contribute to Christ and your Salvation. - There is no carnal gain of any kind that Jesus Christ or God will give you because you are saved. The ONLY gain the saved can receive is the inheritance of all the Spiritual blessings of God which are, and are in Him; - the RESURRECTION unto Eternal Life with Him, where he is, and nothing MORE.

The way that works is, -- Jesus is and has from the beginning, been the Resurrection, the Glory of the Father and of the Son. – If any of you smart fellows of the world believe you can receive Salvation by just asking Jesus to come into your heart / your blood pump, you will find out like I said earlier in a previous Thread.. --- You cannot receive Salvation from the damnation of God without doing John’s baptism of repentance, which is the death and the burial. - That is all there is to John’s baptism. However, Jesus added himself to John’s baptism, making it the baptism of Jesus Christ, the Death, Burial, AND “THE RESURRECTION”, which Jesus is and was. – So, how do you ask Christ to come into your heart in John’s baptism, if John’s baptism is of no effect? – With John’s baptism and Jesus, who is the resurrection. - As a lost person you can only do John’s baptism, and then, and only then can you be anointed with Christ, the Resurrection. --- In other words. As a lost person, you must obey the Gospel which is first John’s baptism, and Jesus who is the resurrection receives you on the other side of death unto LIFE. – If you choose not to believe this, it is nothing to Christ, or the HOST, or me. - Just that you have chosen death, instead of Life.

For those of you wonderful wise so called “christians” who don’t believe that Baptism is essential for salvation, you will learn better the moment you die. The moment you die, you will see Heaven and Earth pass from you in a flame of fire, along with your body that has just died. However, - you the unbeliever, will watch along with every other unbeliever who has ever died; all at the same time TOGETHER. Even though there may be hundreds of years between your deaths, you all will experience it together. That will be the fulfillment of the prophecy you all have been taught. – The reason that the fulfillment of that prophesy is at such different times to the lost world is that you and the others have entered into eternity, and there is no difference in time in eternity, and you are all together at the same tine, standing in your own lot. You all just cannot see the Spiritual and anything pertaining to eternity.

Paul – Who is liken to my God. – 070911