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In case you ever were wondering if Jesus ever claimed to be God I found a really in depth website article that might help.
God is infinite and eternal yet the Bible starts with "In the beginning" and so does John 1:1. Why do we suppose that is? Was there really a beginning to eternity? How can creation be separate from infinity which has no limits? How do we reconcile these passages with an infinite and eternal God?
There are good cases that "Jesus is God."
"The Word was God" (John 1:1). "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory" (John 1:14).
"Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28).
God is a Spirit. He created the physical universe. That is the beginning. I find it odd that you don't understand it.
So God and creation are separate? How can that be possible? Do we understand the meaning of infinite?
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GOD is the Creator.
The universe is the creation.
GOD is infinite being.
The creation is finite being.
That which is infinite has no beginning.
That which is finite has a beginning.
To regard any created thing as equal or identical to the Creator is idolatry.
So God and creation are separate? How can that be possible?
Jesus Christ is God, one with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
I guess I will toss you in the stupid category. How can there be a creator and a creation? Seriously?
If God is infinite being then how could he be limited from creation? That would mean God is not infinite. We are part of creation and creation is included in that which is infinite. How could it be otherwise? Why are we trying so hard to exclude ourselves from that which is infinite anyway? Is that even possible? Maybe this points to the downfall of the first angel in heaven. Perhaps we are just like that angel.
The historical Christian theological categories are:
1) Creatio ex materia- Creation from prior or eternally existing physical material
2) Creatio ex Deo- Creation out of GOD- emanationism
3) Creatio ex nihilo- Creation out of nothing.
"Gen1:1 In the beginning GOD" implies 'Creation ex nihilo' and that GOD is infinite being and transcendent to His finite creation.
If what we call 'creation' had always existed then it wouldn't be called 'creation'. There would be no 'creation', only cycles within the 'One'.
If creation is an extension or emanation of GOD's being then idolatry is a false concept and does not exist, yet, Scripture says that worship of the creation is an integral part of the downward slide into reprobation.
Monism gives grounds for the apparent unity of the universe, but gives no ground for the apparent diversity. If all began with 'OM' then there should never have been any variance.
True individual personality disappears into the infinite sea and there remains no place for you.
You don't exist. You should practice 'mouna'. There is in reality, nothing to say.
In case you ever were wondering if Jesus ever claimed to be God I found a really in depth website article that might help.