Jefferson's pick 4/5/03

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Originally posted by johntheb51
I don't think God will ever ban liberal christians from the kingdom.

Actually, he doesn't have to.....the end up excluding themselves.

Liberal ideas, for the most part, are a creed of self-centeredness.

When you love yourself and your own comfort and your preferences in life above any other, then you show your true self.

I was a war protesting, intellectualist snob during viet-nam, but when I became a christian, the spirit showed me the underpinnings of my supposed "LOVE" creed. I loved drugs, and free sex, and I certainly hated all authority (which, by the way, came from God).
My hatred of the war did not come from a love of all man-kind. It came from my lack of willingmess to participate in warefare. I took the plank from my own eye and was able to see that I was a hedonistic hypocrit. At the same time, it becasme obvious to me that most of my generation were the same. The love children of the '60's were the yuppies of the 80's and 90's. Still looking for all the benefits of being an american without having to take responsibility fo ANY of the sometimes painful responsibilities.

BTW.....if you liberal christians also adhere to a creed of "Gospel light", (all mercy and grace to claim in your oun behalf with not even a trace of repentance and sanctification), forget it. God is not mocked. What you're sowing, that shall you also reap.............

John the B '51


Proverbs 31:10
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Wow! John the B '51 is shooting for the stars! Don't you agree? :D
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