Jefferson's pick 07-25-03

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The following post by BillyBob has so far stumped cgregory on his own thread since cgregory has ignored it:

Originally posted by BillyBob
If we are to be 'fair', only decendents of slaves should get reparations. That means that there has to be proof of ancestral slavery by the US. And if we are to continue in our 'fairness', only decendents of slave owners should be the ones to pay reparations.

That means that any 'black' person whose family came over here after 1865 is disqualified. It also means that Jamaicans, Dominicans and any other 'black' folks who are not of African decent are also disqualified. I also doubt that very many can actually trace their roots back that far with any degree of confirmation.

As for who should pay, I assume you expect the US government to write the checks. Where does the US get it's money? A large portion come from American taxpayers. But wait! What if you are a black man paying taxes and can demonstrate that you are of slave lineage, should your tax money go slavery reparations?

What if you are a white person whose family lived in the northern part of the US during the Civil War and lost family members freeing the slaves? Should their tax money go towards reparations? Didn't they already pay with their blood? What kind of ungrateful ingrates want more than that? They were given freedom, the ultimate gift.

What if you are a white American whose family didn't migrate to this country until after 1865? Should they be asked to pay reperations?

So, how do we decide who should pay reparations and who should recieve them?

And speaking of fair, why should I be punished for a crime committed by my ancestor, whom I have never met? If he killed someone 150 years ago, should I be brought to trial?

Oh, and as far as slavery goes, IT WAS LEGAL at the time!!!!!!!! NO LAW WAS BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could go on for hours about this, but I assume you see what a total moron you are for actually being duped into thinking reparations is 'a nice thing to do'.

Good luck with your screenplay. You will find plenty of other liberals/commies in the 'Business' who will actually agree with you and will encourage your deranged ramblings.

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