Jeff Sessions may have violated his recusal pledge when he fired Andrew McCabe

The Barbarian

Jeff Sessions may have violated his recusal pledge when he fired Andrew McCabe
Making the Justice Department inspector general’s report public would help clear things up.
On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, allegedly for misleading investigators about authorizing a conversation between FBI officials and Wall Street Journal reporters in 2016. It was intended to rebut allegations he had slowed down an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. According to the Justice Department’s inspector general, McCabe allowed two top FBI officials to speak to reporters; in an internal review afterward, the former deputy director apparently displayed a “lack of candor” about the affair, which is a fireable offense at the Bureau — and which was why Sessions decided to oust him.

That decision has prompted a number of questions, including whether McCabe’s firing was politically motivated — or performed at the urging of President Donald Trump — and why it was done so vindictively, taking place as it did just two days before McCabe would have been eligible to receive a full federal pension after more than 20 years of service. Another question has begun to percolate as well: Should Sessions, who recused himself from all matters related to the 2016 presidential campaign — which included anything involving the Clinton Foundation — have been able to fire McCabe at all?

Already, there are calls for an investigation of Trump's role in Session's abrupt firing. This, presumably, is why the administration apparently intends to hide the IG report on McCabe.

Might have to wait until after the mid-term elections. But it's impossible to hide things forever.

If Trump was instrumental in the firing, politicizing the Justice Department would be another impeachable offense.

It's always the obstruction that brings them down.