Jeb Bush's pro-abortion profile is up

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Child murdering pervert Jeb Bush

You know he is wicked and evil because Fox News keeps telling you how good he is, and puts Karl Rove on telling you how good he is.

Karl Rove can go to hell. (he will anyway, the Christ-hating pig)


New member
Child murdering pervert Jeb Bush

You know he is wicked and evil because Fox News keeps telling you how good he is, and puts Karl Rove on telling you how good he is.

Karl Rove can go to hell. (he will anyway, the Christ-hating pig)

This article you refer us to is STUPID

I am going to go elsewhere to get information.

Just b/c Bush signed into law a rule than women have to WAIT before going through with an abortion does not mean that he approves of abortion.

I hate it when people are overly emotional and their emotions cause people to t wist and distort and IGNORE truth

I am going to do my own research on Bush RE pro-life concerns



New member

OK, here it is (all you truth murdering perverts...) their babies up for adoption. [/B][/FONT]


Pr 8:36


Life Pledge
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New member
I dont take back anything i have said here.

b/c Bush did some good things to stop abortion

But he thinks its OK to murder those conceived in rape and incest.

This goes against WOMEN as well as children

b/c the woman will have to live with what she did for the rest of her life

more people need to learn abut Post Abortion Syndrome


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
b/c Bush did some good things to stop abortion

Like what? He didn't stop any murders. In fact, he authorized minors to murder their babies if they first notify their own parents. What a vile man he is. But I already knew that, because that godless heathen network Fox News keeps putting Karl Rove on telling us how good he is.


New member
Like what? He didn't stop any murders. In fact, he authorized minors to murder their babies if they first notify their own parents. What a vile man he is. But I already knew that, because that godless heathen network Fox News keeps putting Karl Rove on telling us how good he is.

weird, i have not heard Rove talk about Bush at all, much less have i heard him say how great he is... Of course, i can't watch Fox all the time, and even less lately... not at all today... long story...

But anyway, you are going overboard if you say that parental notification does not stop SOME abortions. Ditch the emotion and you will probably see more clearly
