
David Harper

New member
I urge anyone who's been speculating about what human beings are capable of doing in the name of religion to go to wikipedia and read the article under the entry "Jasenovac concentration camp"

Be forewarned; this article is not for the faint of heart.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I urge anyone who's been speculating about what human beings are capable of doing in the name of religion to go to wikipedia and read the article under the entry "Jasenovac concentration camp"

Be forewarned; this article is not for the faint of heart.
Don't need to. Just look to the 30 Years War that killed of about a third of Europe over exegesis...though it still pales compared to what men have done in the name of a state repudiating religion (see: Stalin, Mao).

Or, evil men use power to evil ends and justify it to suit themselves.


New member
And I would add that organized religion, as opposed to being made one with His true body, has killed more people than all the wars and plagues put together. Peace

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I urge anyone who's been speculating about what human beings are capable of doing in the name of religion to go to wikipedia and read the article under the entry "Jasenovac concentration camp"

Be forewarned; this article is not for the faint of heart.

Or you could go to an article about the Salvation Army.


New member
I think it's another one of those cases where you also have to ask yourself whether it was primarily a religious affair or rabid, secular-minded nationalism attempting to eke out some credibility for itself by claiming to be motivated by religious principles.

It's another example of where Roman Catholics are faulted for failure to condemn and oppose, but... they kind of did. Archbishop Stepinac was one of the first outspoken critics of the new Croatian regime, much the same way Bishop von Galen in Germany was one of the first (if not the first) critics of the Nazis' racial theories from a Christian theological perspective.

Stepinac in particular said in 1942: "We categorically affirm that all peoples and races on the face of the earth have the right to life and to treatment consequent with their dignity as human beings." Meanwhile, "Friar Satan" Filipović was formally expelled from the Franciscan order in 1942, though he still portrayed himself as a monk and the state was happy to continue to purport him as such so long as it suited their purposes.

If the perpetrators of these crimes had actually cared about religion, they would have listened to their archbishop and removed Filipović from his post.
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Bradley D

Well-known member
The atrocities of different beliefs continue on today. Jesus said there will be wars upon wars and nations against nations. Such atrocities are anti-Christ behavior. Of course non-believers and atheist like to point to all religion as the culprit. If one believes in God then they considered guilty.


New member
So no one here was intelligent enough to read the article?
Thats what I thought.
Thats why I left this forum.
Did you even read anything I (or anyone else) said?

This is why I can't take secularists any more seriously than evangelical fundamentalists.