Jacob And The Hitler Syndrome

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The Hitler Syndrone
some one who has a demon that wants to dictate to others right and wrong. But cant stand when someone replies back and proves them wrong. I have seen this demon a number of times. Then gather up 4 or 5 threads from one person. Then says stupid things trying to see their own name at the end of each thread. The think is because I have the Holy Spirit and I can keep up with them and I refute all their stupid logic. They get really upset. Like Jacob begging me to let him have the last word on my threads. After I seen what he was going through with his demon, I had mercy and decided to let him have the last word for a few days.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I have the understanding that it is impossible to leave a thread after you have posted on it. However, one need not post again. If we are required to answer posts to us or questions to us on threads we have started, posted in, or subscribed to, we must continue. But I do not see that requirement anywhere online, though it might have or may have existed.
Goodbye is different from good buy.
To leave a thread or not post on a thread again, whatever it is called, one may remove their subscription to the thread if they have one, though someone may try to post something to them again (it is a decision one needs to make), keep the subscription, or either way subscription or not even not having a subscription to the thread or not knowing what a subscription to a thread or a thread subscription is one may choose not to post anymore. But if upon doing this someone posts to them again or in response to something that they have said, they may and can post again. Demanding someone leave a thread or not post again is not proper or thread etiquette though it may be viewed or seen as appropriate by some. However, leaving on your own terms or leaving in peace is what is desired. I can't leave a thread with hostility in the air. It means I have not done something to make peace. If all this is understood you do not even need to post anything in response to me.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I can't prove that I am gone by not posting. Sorry. You need to recognize that when I post and you don't need to anymore you don't have to. When you post I can respond if I want to. If there is nothing in your post to respond to I may choose not to.
Originally Posted by Jacob
No. No I am not. But I am done. You do not need to prove that I am rambling. I do not even know what rambling is. I heard about it growing up.

Originally Posted by Jacob
There is something wrong with your post here. I hope to appease your wrath, even if it was unintentional. I do not know what you mean by circumcision of the flesh. Circumcision is circumcision. There is also circumcision of the heart. Impossible without an understanding of circumcision.
I have noticed a number of times you have called me an antichrist. I am not against Christ. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, my Master, my King. Did you know that the antichrist is against God and against God's Law? This is something to reflect on. I hope and pray that you do. No need to get back to me. But please do after you read the scriptures about the antichrist.
If it matters to you, since you say I am lying, I do not know that I was circumcised on the eighth day. I do not believe that I have been told that I was. But I have been circumcised at least once.


The Hitler Syndrone
some one who has a demon that wants to dictate to others right and wrong. But cant stand when someone replies back and proves them wrong. I have seen this demon a number of times. Then gather up 4 or 5 threads from one person. Then says stupid things trying to see their own name at the end of each thread. The think is because I have the Holy Spirit and I can keep up with them and I refute all their stupid logic. They get really upset. Like Jacob begging me to let him have the last word on my threads. After I seen what he was going through with his demon, I had mercy and decided to let him have the last word for a few days.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I have the understanding that it is impossible to leave a thread after you have posted on it. However, one need not post again. If we are required to answer posts to us or questions to us on threads we have started, posted in, or subscribed to, we must continue. But I do not see that requirement anywhere online, though it might have or may have existed.
Goodbye is different from good buy.
To leave a thread or not post on a thread again, whatever it is called, one may remove their subscription to the thread if they have one, though someone may try to post something to them again (it is a decision one needs to make), keep the subscription, or either way subscription or not even not having a subscription to the thread or not knowing what a subscription to a thread or a thread subscription is one may choose not to post anymore. But if upon doing this someone posts to them again or in response to something that they have said, they may and can post again. Demanding someone leave a thread or not post again is not proper or thread etiquette though it may be viewed or seen as appropriate by some. However, leaving on your own terms or leaving in peace is what is desired. I can't leave a thread with hostility in the air. It means I have not done something to make peace. If all this is understood you do not even need to post anything in response to me.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I can't prove that I am gone by not posting. Sorry. You need to recognize that when I post and you don't need to anymore you don't have to. When you post I can respond if I want to. If there is nothing in your post to respond to I may choose not to.
Originally Posted by Jacob
No. No I am not. But I am done. You do not need to prove that I am rambling. I do not even know what rambling is. I heard about it growing up.

Originally Posted by Jacob
There is something wrong with your post here. I hope to appease your wrath, even if it was unintentional. I do not know what you mean by circumcision of the flesh. Circumcision is circumcision. There is also circumcision of the heart. Impossible without an understanding of circumcision.
I have noticed a number of times you have called me an antichrist. I am not against Christ. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, my Master, my King. Did you know that the antichrist is against God and against God's Law? This is something to reflect on. I hope and pray that you do. No need to get back to me. But please do after you read the scriptures about the antichrist.
If it matters to you, since you say I am lying, I do not know that I was circumcised on the eighth day. I do not believe that I have been told that I was. But I have been circumcised at least once.


Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28 until sundown. It is Yom, Day.

You have done me a great disservice today. What you have written is completely inappropriate. You said something about a Hitler Syndrome and related it to me. My understanding is that you were going on Vacation, as your thread indicated this, such. I do not need to post anything to you any more. If there is a need to do so I will. However, this next day with evening and morning night and day will be the last day of the month and the last day of the year.

I am a Citizen of the United States of America. I am also a Jew, of Israel. I have chosen the tribe of Levi. Whatever a Hitler Syndrome is for you to relate it to me is detestable. I am an Israelite. I have a desire aspiration want to be the President of the United States of America some day. I would like to be a Rabbi. I would like to make aliyah to Israel. I am a resident of the State of Washington. I live in Tacoma. I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I was born a Gentile. I grew up Christian. I believe that the TaNaK, the Jewish or Hebrew Scriptures or Bible, is inspired of God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness that the man of God would be adequate equipped for every good work. The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch.

I do not know all that you have done in your opening post. I only know that you have something against me.

Did you know that God calls us to make peace with others, enemies or not? Whatever your goal is I would like to make peace with you. What do we need to have to have peace?

In the love of Christ the love of Messiah the love of God,

יגקב (Jacob) Mertens



Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28 until sundown. It is Yom, Day.

You have done me a great disservice today. What you have written is completely inappropriate. You said something about a Hitler Syndrome and related it to me. My understanding is that you were going on Vacation, as your thread indicated this, such. I do not need to post anything to you any more. If there is a need to do so I will. However, this next day with evening and morning night and day will be the last day of the month and the last day of the year.

I am a Citizen of the United States of America. I am also a Jew, of Israel. I have chosen the tribe of Levi. Whatever a Hitler Syndrome is for you to relate it to me is detestable. I am an Israelite. I have a desire aspiration want to be the President of the United States of America some day. I would like to be a Rabbi. I would like to make aliyah to Israel. I am a resident of the State of Washington. I live in Tacoma. I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I was born a Gentile. I grew up Christian. I believe that the TaNaK, the Jewish or Hebrew Scriptures or Bible, is inspired of God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness that the man of God would be adequate equipped for every good work. The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch.

I do not know all that you have done in your opening post. I only know that you have something against me.

Did you know that God calls us to make peace with others, enemies or not? Whatever your goal is I would like to make peace with you. What do we need to have to have peace?

In the love of Christ the love of Messiah the love of God,

יגקב (Jacob) Mertens

I said
I was having mercy on you. You ask me not to reply on my own thread. So you could get in the last word. I didn't mind it, I could see your suffering. That demon wouldn't let go of you. With all that speed posting and jumping around from thread to thread. With all them stupid excuses to stay on my threads. I felt sorry for you. You could control that demon so I just figured I could help. When you went to posted things like this reply I knew you lost all understanding to what you were saying. That kind of stuff has NEVER been a rule on any board on that net. So you had to be just making it up to stay on my threads.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I have the understanding that it is impossible to leave a thread after you have posted on it. However, one need not post again. If we are required to answer posts to us or questions to us on threads we have started, posted in, or subscribed to, we must continue. But I do not see that requirement anywhere online, though it might have or may have existed.
Goodbye is different from good buy.
To leave a thread or not post on a thread again, whatever it is called, one may remove their subscription to the thread if they have one, though someone may try to post something to them again (it is a decision one needs to make), keep the subscription, or either way subscription or not even not having a subscription to the thread or not knowing what a subscription to a thread or a thread subscription is one may choose not to post anymore. But if upon doing this someone posts to them again or in response to something that they have said, they may and can post again. Demanding someone leave a thread or not post again is not proper or thread etiquette though it may be viewed or seen as appropriate by some. However, leaving on your own terms or leaving in peace is what is desired. I can't leave a thread with hostility in the air. It means I have not done something to make peace. If all this is understood you do not even need to post anything in response to me.


I said
I was having mercy on you. You ask me not to reply on my own thread. So you could get in the last word. I didn't mind it, I could see your suffering. That demon wouldn't let go of you. With all that speed posting and jumping around from thread to thread. With all them stupid excuses to stay on my threads. I felt sorry for you. You could control that demon so I just figured I could help. When you went to posted things like this reply I knew you lost all understanding to what you were saying. That kind of stuff has NEVER been a rule on any board on that net. So you had to be just making it up to stay on my threads.

Originally Posted by Jacob
I have the understanding that it is impossible to leave a thread after you have posted on it. However, one need not post again. If we are required to answer posts to us or questions to us on threads we have started, posted in, or subscribed to, we must continue. But I do not see that requirement anywhere online, though it might have or may have existed.
Goodbye is different from good buy.
To leave a thread or not post on a thread again, whatever it is called, one may remove their subscription to the thread if they have one, though someone may try to post something to them again (it is a decision one needs to make), keep the subscription, or either way subscription or not even not having a subscription to the thread or not knowing what a subscription to a thread or a thread subscription is one may choose not to post anymore. But if upon doing this someone posts to them again or in response to something that they have said, they may and can post again. Demanding someone leave a thread or not post again is not proper or thread etiquette though it may be viewed or seen as appropriate by some. However, leaving on your own terms or leaving in peace is what is desired. I can't leave a thread with hostility in the air. It means I have not done something to make peace. If all this is understood you do not even need to post anything in response to me.

I don't know what you are talking about but thank you for sharing. I will not let you hold it against me.




I don't know what you are talking about but thank you for sharing. I will not let you hold it against me.



I said
lolol Hold what against you??? Your the one that came up with this whole multiple thread speed replies of nonsense. Your the one that used all the guile and ridiculous logic. This was your game. Are you sure your not ready to confess yet?? It is the only way you will get forgiveness from God.

[1Jo 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


I said
lolol Hold what against you??? Your the one that came up with this whole multiple thread speed replies of nonsense. Your the one that used all the guile and ridiculous logic. This was your game. Are you sure your not ready to confess yet?? It is the only way you will get forgiveness from God.

[1Jo 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Today is Shishi (Sixth) 12-29. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. This is the last day of the twelfth month. It is also the last day of the year.

I do not know what you mean by whole thread speed replies of nonsense or guile and ridiculous logic. I care a lot about each and every person on Theology Online. I do not know what you believe I need to confess, nor do I know why you believe that I should be seeking forgiveness from God.

However, Great Scripture!





Today is Shishi (Sixth) 12-29. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. This is the last day of the twelfth month. It is also the last day of the year.

I do not know what you mean by whole thread speed replies of nonsense or guile and ridiculous logic. I care a lot about each and every person on Theology Online. I do not know what you believe I need to confess, nor do I know why you believe that I should be seeking forgiveness from God.

However, Great Scripture!



I said
ROFLOL Because you have the Hitler syndrome. Here you done it again.

Today is Shishi (Sixth) 12-29. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. This is the last day of the twelfth month. It is also the last day of the year.

It means that when I am done speaking you don't have to add anything or question me any longer. You can then simply say bye or leave it at that as your soul desires. It is up to you and I was done.




When I looked it up it sounded like no one can tell anyone the difference between right and wrong.

I said
lol If you look at all your logic and rules that you have posted you will find they are all self centered and only benefit you. That is the control freak. You make up phony reasons why its ok and right for you to stay on a site, and then turn around and say I should leave and let you have the last word. That is the hitler syndrome. And you have it bad.


I said
lol If you look at all your logic and rules that you have posted you will find they are all self centered and only benefit you. That is the control freak. You make up phony reasons why its ok and right for you to stay on a site, and then turn around and say I should leave and let you have the last word. That is the hitler syndrome. And you have it bad.

What logic or rules are you talking about?

I am a member of Theology Online.

You are asking about leaving a site. You don't have to leave. Each thread in the Religion Forum is a thread at Theology Online. You can start threads and post in or on other people's threads.

I have no desire to have the last word. The only reason I know about what it is is from what I learned from childhood, and it is unclear to me. Meaning, I am not even married to be concerned about who would have the last word. As a son I did not want or need the last word. And as a poster at Theology Online I have no reason or want for or to have the last word in anything. I know that it is God who has the last word in everything.

When I looked up hitler syndrome it said something about telling other people what is right or what to do. Meaning, if you don't want other people to explain the difference between right and wrong to you you might resort to saying they have the hitler syndrome. I have no idea why you would feel or sense anything of the sort from me.

Also, God's Law is God's Law. It is not my law. I do not have a law.




What logic or rules are you talking about?

I am a member of Theology Online.

You are asking about leaving a site. You don't have to leave. Each thread in the Religion Forum is a thread at Theology Online. You can start threads and post in or on other people's threads.

I have no desire to have the last word. The only reason I know about what it is is from what I learned from childhood, and it is unclear to me. Meaning, I am not even married to be concerned about who would have the last word. As a son I did not want or need the last word. And as a poster at Theology Online I have no reason or want for or to have the last word in anything. I know that it is God who has the last word in everything.

When I looked up hitler syndrome it said something about telling other people what is right or what to do. Meaning, if you don't want other people to explain the difference between right and wrong to you you might resort to saying they have the hitler syndrome. I have no idea why you would feel or sense anything of the sort from me.

Also, God's Law is God's Law. It is not my law. I do not have a law.



I said
lolol You have the hitler syndrome bad. But with your Jewish blindness you cant see it.


I said
lolol You have the hitler syndrome bad. But with your Jewish blindness you cant see it.

I disagree.

However, is it okay if we end here? If you do not want this to end, and berate me wondering if I will respond or reply, maybe I just need you to answer if we can end this here. All you have to say is yes.




I disagree.

However, is it okay if we end here? If you do not want this to end, and berate me wondering if I will respond or reply, maybe I just need you to answer if we can end this here. All you have to say is yes.



I said
lolol Control, control, control. Hello Hitler.


I said
lolol Control, control, control. Hello Hitler.

No. I am sorry but you are demonstrating that you do not have things right. I am not Hitler. Hitler was a German. I am a Citizen of the United States of America.




No. I am sorry but you are demonstrating that you do not have things right. I am not Hitler. Hitler was a German. I am a Citizen of the United States of America.



I said
More of your ridiculous logic. Hitler died the spirit that was controlling him didn't. It just moved on to you.


I said
Saying the truth?

No. Bringing Hitler who already died to the United States of America where I live and where I am a Citizen and where I became a Jew an Israelite of Israel that I belong to Israel where I was born here in the United States of America and have chosen the tribe of Levi being of Israel.


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