It's ONLY Make-Believe; L&O Angers Libs

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It's ONLY Make-Believe; L&O Angers Libs

This is the show from Tuesday October 27th, 2009.

There are homosexuals all over the country taking a hissy fit about this episode. What are they upset about? How could abortion be a gay man's issue? How is that possible? They say abortion is not a man's issue, how in the world, how in the universe could it be a homosexual's issue if it's not even a man's issue?
And all those feminists who say men should have nothing to say about abortion, anything a man says should be irrelevant - well, it was 7 men who gave us Roe v. Wade. So let's throw that out just so you can be consistent and not a hypocrite.
Feminism is where women teach girls that you're not really worth anything unless you can be like a man.
Isn't it beautiful how newspaper circulations are down? Ten percent in just the last six months. Ten percent! You know, the 6 months before that, they went down what, 5 percent. Six months before that they went down 7 percent. And they think, well the evaporation of our audience and of our advertising revenue and of our profits, it has to slow down. It's speeding up. It's speeding up and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. These pro-abort, godless, pro-evolution, pro-homosexual, immoral publishers, editors, reporters, owners of newspapers where if you have a Christian worldview you are systematically rejected from having an opinion in these institutions. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.


* Pro-Aborts Upset About Law & Order's Personhood Episode: Some liberals can't take it and say their heads are exploding. Come on. It's only a TV show! Come on! It's only make believe. That's what they've told Christians for the past 40 years when we point out the harmful influence of Hollywood entertainment. Now, after 900 episodes, NBC's Law & Order airs a SINGLE pro-life show, and they're apoplectic. Ha!

Have you seen this first-ever pro-life episode? You can watch the full episode on KGOV! Just hit Play! This one installment is Pastor Approved! Unlike many Law & Order programs, this one program contains no vulgarity, no virtual nudity, and no soft-porn, so men, we can watch this episode!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!


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And all those feminists who say men should have nothing to say about abortion, anything a man says should be irrelevant - well, it was 7 men who gave us Roe v. Wade. So let's throw that out just so you can be consistent and not a hypocrite.

:chuckle: Yes, let's!


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The L&O episode features "John Boy" as the defense attorny for you Walton's Mountain fans.


The Dark Knight
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I'll say this much, I understand the desire to shoot some of these people, even for the things they say apart from what they do. But it is still wrong to take the law into one's own hands, even if the law is not doing what it should.

Even Special Victims Unit made me want to kill the defense attorney last week. How someone who defends pedophilia doesn't fear for their life boggles me.
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