It's Not The 1980s; Socialism Isn't A Scareword


Boomers grew up in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, fueled in part by the New Deal style policies of Roosevelt. Many of the things that Bernie Sanders is campaigning on now are things that the US used to have at one point. Boomers grew up in a highly regulated, quasi social democratic, form of capitalism. The top marginal tax rates were as high as 90% at one point. For the boomers, "socialism" didn't mean "worker ownership of the means of production." It didn't even mean "when the government does stuff." It meant the Soviet Union. It meant the possibility of nuclear annihilation at any moment. "Socialism" was a legitimately scary word because it evoked images of the Red Army and an impending nuclear strike.

Well, let me tell you: The Soviet Union is no longer a thing. It hasn't been a thing since 1991.

Boomers grew up in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, spurred in part by widescale union membership and social democratic economic and tax policies. And you gave it all away. You voted for Reagan.

And when that happened, "socialist" didn't just mean the Soviet Union. It also took on a new meaning. "When the government does stuff." And with that, the American people were propagandized to associate the government doing anything to benefit the people with the Soviet Union. You want to expand welfare? You're obviously one of the Reds. You are one of the people who want to see the US nuked off of the map.

I don't remember the Soviet Union. But I do remember Republicans constantly using the word "socialist" to describe literally any policy that would benefit the average American. "You want to spend tax payer dollars on saving the lives of babies who need life saving surgeries? THAT'S SOCIALIST!"

And then 2008 happened. The market that you Republicans and boomers worship? The capitalist elites that you venerate? All of that failed.

And it was a long time in the making. Ever since the undermining of the New Deal that began as early as Carter, but reached its summit with Reagan, capitalism waged a relentless assault against the American worker. Permanent normalized trade relations with China, NAFTA, etc. (and now, in the modern era, automation) hollowed out American manufacturing. The capitalist elites sent our jobs to Mexico and China. The life expectations that the boomers enjoyed, a lifetime of good paying employment at a single company? Gone. Replaced with the gig economy.

And then 2008 happened. Washington bailed out the bankers who crashed the economy and left the working class out to dry.

And the economy has never truly recovered. Not even under Trump. Not for the working class.

The elites have done very well for themselves.

But the working class of this country? No. Their wages have been stagnant since the mid 1960s.

And according to Republicans, any government attempt to improve their lot is "SOCIALIST!"

But it's not socialist to give massive tax breaks and subsidies to billionaires and corporations, apparently.

Let me remind you. There are currently two generations who can vote and don't remember the Soviet Union and the red scare.

And they've grown up hearing Republicans describe doing literally anything that benefits poor and working people as "socialist."

Please. Keep using that word.

We might actually get socialism if you do. ;)

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Socialism is evil: Always has been and always will be, and you are a sick liar. You might as well say that Nazi isn't a bad word anymore because the 1940's are long gone.

Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.
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