It's Not a Miracle


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It's Not a Miracle

This is the show from Monday, March 5th 2012.


* Don't Say Thus Saith the Lord If the Lord Hasn't Spoken: The crash landing in the Hudson river by US Airways pilot "Sully" Sullenberger was called the "Miracle on the Hudson." Last week, many said it was a miracle that 15-month-old Angel was found alive 10 miles from her Indiana home after a tornado. Sadly, yesterday in the hospital baby Angel died. Bob points out that when Christians wrongly allege that something is a miracle, they lost credibility with unbelievers and therefore undermine the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is quite unlike any miracle in the Bible that God would throw a baby across town only to have her die of her injuries. Christians will give on another a lot of slack, but non-Christians will remember our fabrications. When we are so often seen to be obviously wrong, people won't believe us when we defend God's Word on other issues. In his article Miracle Dynamics Bob describes from the Bible the surprising negative effect of miracles on most people, in chapter 10 of The Plot, which is Bob's life's work and an overview of the whole Bible, Bob lists all of the 343 miracles and series of miracles in the Scriptures and what kind of effect all those miracles had on the people who received the miracles, and also on those who witnessed the miracles. This all makes for a stunning Bible study!

* The Debate Continues: Bob's debate with AronRa on the British web site League of Reason continues with Round 3.

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Today's Resource: Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. The Plot demonstrates how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical riddles.


* Don't Say Thus Saith the Lord If the Lord Hasn't Spoken: The crash landing in the Hudson river by US Airways pilot "Sully" Sullenberger was called the "Miracle on the Hudson." Last week, many said it was a miracle that 15-month-old Angel was found alive 10 miles from her Indiana home after a tornado. Sadly, yesterday in the hospital baby Angel died. Bob points out that when Christians wrongly allege that something is a miracle, they lost credibility with unbelievers and therefore undermine the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is quite unlike any miracle in the Bible that God would throw a baby across town only to have her die of her injuries. Christians will give on another a lot of slack, but non-Christians will remember our fabrications. When we are so often seen to be obviously wrong, people won't believe us when we defend God's Word on other issues.