It's Impossible you're a Christian!!


New member
I’ve shown you all some of these before, but your foolish thinking that you’re a Christian won’t allow any of you to ( KNOW ) anything!! – It cannot be possible that any of you are Christian; - mainly because ((( God made it “Impossible” ))) for man to be Christian. You all think you’re smarter than God, but I’m going to truly Enjoy standing in all of your faces when you learn the ( TRUTH )!!

You Say you believe, or have Faith in God??? - It’s too late for that Now. - Now, there is no such thing as ( “FAITH IN GOD” ). But you can’t “KNOW” that, because you’re SO SMART!! – Read it!!: >>- ( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV – 1- “For ( now ) we see through a glass, darkly; but ( then face to face ): ( now ) I know in part; but ( then shall I know even as also I am known )”. ) ---//-- Faith was then, ( “KNOWLEDGE” ) is Now; but you all are Reeeeal Smart!!

There is “No One” seeking God, or searching, or trying to even Find God. None of you could care less what the Truth is. – It’s ALL about you and all your Foolishness; - not God!! - There is “No One” - who cares to understand anything about God!! – God said that!!, - but you CAN’T Care; it’s Impossible for you to Care!!! – ( Romans 3:10-18 KJV --- 10- “As it is written, There is none ( righteous, no, not one ): 11- There is ( none that understandeth ), ( there is none that seeketh after God ). 12- They are ( all gone out of the “WAY” ), they are together become unprofitable; there is ( none that doeth good, no, not one )”. - ) ---&--- ( Psalms 14:3 KJV --&-- Psalms 53:3 KJV ). --///--- ((( Of Course, - You Are The Only One among yourselves and your god, who is Righteous and Holy!! -- You know God is Lying there, you’re Smarter than God ))) -- Three Bear Witness that You are Lost, and without Christ / God!!!!!!!!!! – The Whole God Head / Trinity bears Witness that you’re LOST!! – But you’re Smarter than the Three / GOD!!!

You all are SOOO Blind, You can’t see anything that truly exists! – I’ll show you a Mystery that you cannot SEE!!

God put Adam out of the Garden, not Eve. Eve followed her husband which was very Good. -- Adam was the one who Fell, not Eve. – Adam was put out, and Eve followed, and God placed the “Gospel” at the Door of the First Heaven / Paradise, to KEEP ( IT!!!!!! ), and to Bring ( Adam ) Back to Paradise. -- ( Read it!! ) -- ( Song of Solomon 6:11 KJV – 11- “I went down into the Garden of Nuts to see the ( Fruits ) of the valley, and to see whether the (( “Vine” )) flourished, and the ( “Pomegranates” ) budded”. - ) ---//-- Did the “Vine” ( Receive Her, the Church ); that where He was, She may be ALSO??? – If Christ / the “Vine” did Receive the “Branches”, then Adam is Back in the Garden of God Anew, and they both are the same ONE, the Third ( “Man” ) Adam!! – God put the Woman ( back in ) the Third Man Adam--- The (( “Fourth Heaven” )):>>-- ( Revelation 21:2 KJV ---&--- Revelation 3:12 KJV - ).
If you were Christian, you are after the Ordinance / ( Ordained ) to be after the Ordinance of (( “Melchisedec” )), and Not after your own Bowels, or the Old Law, or after ( Jesus Christ ), (( but after the Ordinance of Melchisedec ))!! -- – You Smart Minds don’t even Know who Melchisedec IS!!!! Geniuses You All Are!!!!!! – There is Not a Single Doctrine that ANY of you have, that is Truly BASED on God. They all are Based on your total Blind wondering around looking in the dark in your own created land of NOD!! – Any young half-witted Christian could Prove anything any of you teach; - that it’s (( WRONG ))!!!

Let there be (( NO Divisions )) among you?????? – ( 1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV – 10- “Now ((( I beseech you, brethren ))), by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that (( ye all speak the same thing )), and that there (( be no divisions among you )); but that (( ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind )) and in the same judgment”. ) ---//--
There is not two out of all of you, - who it is Possible to Agree on ( half ) of the Doctrines of Christ!!! – None of You Geniuses can agree on half, - much less ( “Everything” ) of ( “Every” ) Doctrine of Christ. ( That Must be, - in the Body of Christ, the Church )!!!!!!!!!! - There is not a “Spot”, “Wrinkle”, Or Any Such Thing, in the Beauty of the Glory of the Bride of Christ, the (((((CHURCH )))))!!!!!!!!! – There is NO Darkness in Him at ALL!!!!!! – But none of you can agree on anything, all the way through any of Christ’s doctrines.

Pray the sinners Prayer????? – Who told you geniuses that??? – God never!! - God said: -- ( John 9:31 KJV - ) --//--

If you Geniuses change, or take away a single Word of God in your Doctrine; -- that is the same thing as removing a piece of Christ’s Body!! - His Body is the Word of God!!!!!!!! – You All have removed in little pieces, from yourselves, casting them from your Bowels, - the Whole Body of Christ!! – ((( How does the Body of Christ ever get “DIVIDED / BROKEN” ))) – Show us all how Christ’s Body is ((( “BROKEN” ))) -- Pulled in-two, like a piece of Bread??? -- You fools!!!! --- ( Romans 11:9 KJV - ) --: ( 1 Corinthians 11:24 KJV - ) --//-- Who Broke Christ’s Body and HOW?????? -- Broke / “Broke”???? - Do any of you Geniuses know what the word “BROKE” Means?? – You all have Beheaded the Body of God in your BOWELS and preached it with JOY!!!!

You all teach the Old Law; -- OR the “New Law of Liberty” / “Law of Faith”!! – Like any Fool, he will cut out many of the Words of God to satisfy his own hunger for flesh and BLOOD of the Lamb, when GOD said eat NOT The Blood, but you do anyhow with pleasure!!!
( There is NO LAW )!!!, - can’t any of you Hear God?? – ( There IS NO LAW ), None of ANY KIND!!!!!, but that Never stops geniuses who are wiser than God!!! ----- Throw these away for your cursed father the devil!!:>>--- Romans 5:13 KJV ---&--- Galatians 5:22-23 KJV – 22- “(((( But the fruit of the Spirit )))) is ( love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance ): (((( Against such there is No Law ))))!!!!!! – NO LAW!!!! – Law is for the FOOL to be Condemned!! --- For the Christian, there is ON CONDEMNATION!!!!! (( Get it ))???? --- Why No!!! - You don’t care, it’s just a puny little game for all of you!!

I’m truly going to enjoy looking you all in the face and laughing!!! --- Tell them Fools on “Religion Forums” that!!!

Paul – 060413


New member
rejoice not in iniquity, (((("I will enjoy looking you all in the face and laughing")))) while you are busy being holier than thou, don't forget to take that single passage out of your bible.

a few others should be taken of yours too, does not boast, is not proud, etc

and this last one kinda shoots the thread title in the foot, all things are possible with God, Matthew 19:26


New member
rejoice not in iniquity, (((("I will enjoy looking you all in the face and laughing")))) while you are busy being holier than thou, don't forget to take that single passage out of your bible.

a few others should be taken of yours too, does not boast, is not proud, etc

and this last one kinda shoots the thread title in the foot, all things are possible with God, Matthew 19:26

Proverbs 1:26-27 KJV – 26- “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you”. ---///--

Don’t you worry about me, - I’ll laugh with GOD in your faces, while you all are wishing you had listened. -- But I’ll wait!!! – I don’t care. -- I have all the time there is!!

Those Words are judging you right now. – Revelation 20:12 KJV – “The (( DEAD )) were judged out of those (( Things which were ((( Written ))) in the Books ))”. ---///--- That is not “Carnal Death”, but those who are “Spiritually DEAD”!!! – Read the Book!!! – You stand before God NOW, and the:>>- Revelation 14:19-20 KJV ---//-- You all really need to READ the Book a lot!!!

Paul – 060513


New member
I’ve shown you all some of these before, but your foolish thinking that you’re a Christian won’t allow any of you to ( KNOW ) anything!! – It cannot be possible that any of you are Christian; - mainly because ((( God made it “Impossible” ))) for man to be Christian. You all think you’re smarter than God, but I’m going to truly Enjoy standing in all of your faces when you learn the ( TRUTH )!!

well, saying this surely proves your point that at least some around here are not Christian...

this is as far as I got...

no need to read further