it never happened

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Well-known member
This post was a non-subscribers "POTD"... But was retitled because only moderators or subscribers are actually allowed to post a post of the day.

So I thought I'd offer a fresh loaf of bread and a big cool glass of water:





New member

Yup, as usual TH makes a coherent argument and as usual BB doesn't have anything back, just another day at TOL really....



New member
I didn't really even think it was that great a post, but hey if you want to make it an SPOTD more power to you.


Well-known member
Is this an SPOTD then?

Yes, I believe it's a SPOTD. But since it was actually a non-subscriber that initiated it, it may be a NSSPOTD. Or NSISPOTD. Or something.

But since it's in the "Subscriber's Post of the Day" thread, I thought it was okay to use "POTD" seeing that the Subscriber part was given (being that it's already clearly contained within the confines of the subscriber's thread). I did a little research, and it looked like other subscribers in the SPOTD thread also used "POTD" in their posts to refer to their chosen post, so I figured it was acceptable.


EDIT: It looks like POTD is currently acceptable here, as the tag under the thread title says "OK, subscribers here is your chance to pick your POTD (Post of the Day)" ...Maybe this will change. Hard to say.
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I should start using my subscription for more of these. I often see SPOTD awarded simply because the post leans towards the awarder rather than towards truth.

Hmm :think:


New member
I didn't really even think it was that great a post, but hey if you want to make it an SPOTD more power to you.

well fair enough, thats your perogative tho plenty of other people seem to think it was a worthy enough post, I don't reckon much to many of the POTD's that appear on here but it's fair enough if people want to make it their POTD....


New member
Eh? Since when was BillyBob admin around here? :liberals:

Lucky was the admin I was referring to. All you guys did was dance around the fact that he changed that post from a POTD, and got your buddy zoo to post it instead. But Zoo has that ability as a subscriber so it's really a moot point. It just smacked of mocking the admin to me, but that's just me.


Well-known member
People "got" me to post this??


No, I was not mocking Lucky.

Yes, I think the rule is silly (if it's a rule?).

I was very clear in the opening (S)POTD in this thread regarding why I posted it as a (S)POTD.

No, Nobody "got" me to do this. I did it all by my lil' ol' self.

If anyone thinks otherwise, they are sorely mistaken.

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