Israel, The State, The Church, And The Law: God's Law Or Otherwise.


I am a convert to Judaism, a Torah Observant Jew, having grown up Christian and a Citizen of the United States of America.

I respect The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America as among our founding documents.

I respect American Law and The Law of the United States of America.

I aspire to be such things as a President of the United States of America, a Rabbi, and a Supreme Court Justice.

Basically, I am for Law.

The church proclaims the gospel and is a beacon of grace. There exists such things as Church Discipline.

So are people to be punished and by who when and to what extent? What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit? How do people experience mercy? How do we live the good things of life with a proper balance equipped to sort through the hubbub of negative action, activity, or thought that surrounds or is around us?

Your thoughts wisdom and insight from history are welcome.


I am a convert to Judaism

That's where I stopped.

Seriously, Judaism is not going to complete you- you're going to be forever lost in a maelstrom of inquiry pursuing that heresy just like the Muslims.
Christ ties it all together but they want to believe other things- Mohammad the Prophet, King David.. Who's been the most relevant the past couple thousand years though?


That's where I stopped.

Seriously, Judaism is not going to complete you- you're going to be forever lost in a maelstrom of inquiry pursuing that heresy just like the Muslims.
Christ ties it all together but they want to believe other things- Mohammad the Prophet, King David.. Who's been the most relevant the past couple thousand years though?
Thank you for your post. And your concern. I believe that Jesus is the Christ. I have chosen to be Torah Observant. You may be thinking the religion of Judaism when I am thinking the commandments, so it may be an emphasis thing. What do you mean by completes me? If anyone completes me it would be Christ, Messiah. I do not know why you call Judaism heresy. It appears to me or sounds like you do not understand. I can give you that the Bible does talk about Judaism. I accept it all but becoming a Jew with Torah and accepting Judaism have been important steps in my life. I grew up Christian. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with Christ, Christians, or Christianity, so long as not Trinitarian. The Thread is not supposed to be about me, but God's Law and who should enforce it should it be enforced. Do you have any difficulty with God's Law or the law of the land that can be resolved? What do you think or believe about the Thread topic? You mentioned Muslims, Mohammad the Prophet, King David, and who has been the most relevant the past couple thousand years. We can continue with any of this, whatever is the most relevant to you. Are you talking about Jesus or someone else?




Does anyone want to discuss these things?

I had forgotten all about this post, tbh. Seeing your inquiries on other posts I had assumed you were maybe an atheist or something wanting to know a bit about Christianity.
Surely the Jews aren't going to give you one inkling of thought about Jesus- I've know a couple Jews who didn't even realize how Jewish the New Testament was; I guess they were under the impression it was just written by a bunch of Romans or something lol.

There's nothing wrong with the Trinity,the problem is that they want to make such a conundrum out of it because they simply are just against Christianity.
All the Trinity is in a nutshell is the expression of the Father and Son's relationship- Jesus is God because, simply, he is the begotten fruit of the same as the Father. They still nonetheless have a father-son relationship in which the Father has preeminence, but it's just not a thing worth taking to account because they are both perfect and harmonious.

This can be a strange thing for a monotheist to see a monotheist godhead with more than one central being, but it's not illogical either.


I had forgotten all about this post, tbh. Seeing your inquiries on other posts I had assumed you were maybe an atheist or something wanting to know a bit about Christianity.
Surely the Jews aren't going to give you one inkling of thought about Jesus- I've know a couple Jews who didn't even realize how Jewish the New Testament was; I guess they were under the impression it was just written by a bunch of Romans or something lol.

There's nothing wrong with the Trinity,the problem is that they want to make such a conundrum out of it because they simply are just against Christianity.
All the Trinity is in a nutshell is the expression of the Father and Son's relationship- Jesus is God because, simply, he is the begotten fruit of the same as the Father. They still nonetheless have a father-son relationship in which the Father has preeminence, but it's just not a thing worth taking to account because they are both perfect and harmonious.

This can be a strange thing for a monotheist to see a monotheist godhead with more than one central being, but it's not illogical either.
I do not believe that this is about the Trinity, but okay. Meaning, I have been both a Jew and a Christian without the Trinity and I am just fine. Some believe that monotheism is good. I am not Trinitarian. I am definitely not an atheist.

We can talk more.