Is Calvinism a Form of Atheism?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is no God in the Bible that fits the God of Calvinism.

There is no scripture anywhere in the Bible that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell. I have tried to find the God of Calvinism in the Bible, but to no avail. The God in the Bible so loves the world that he gives his only begotten son, John 3:16. The God of Calvinism hates the world and predestinates the world to hell.

God so loves the world that he sends his only begotten son into the world to reconcile the world unto himself, 2 Corinthians 5:19 and in doing so provides salvation for all men, 1 Timothy 2:4. The God of Calvinism is divisive and unjust. Instead of saving the world and providing salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9, he only chooses "Some certain persons" to be saved and then damns the rest to hell, even before they were ever born. Can you believe that?

How does one believe and have faith in the God of Calvinism? I can't and I don't believe that anyone can. This is why I believe that Calvinism is a form of atheism. It is not possible to believe and have faith in the mean, cruel, unjust God of Calvinism. How can you believe and have faith in a God that has predestinated your loved ones, maybe even your children to an eternal hell before they were ever born?

So you are going to spend eternity with this mean, cruel, unjust God of Calvinism? How do you know for sure that he might decide that you should go to hell also? I mean, after all, he sent your loved ones there, what's to keep him from sending you there?

In Christianity, Christians are bought, not predestinated. We have been bought with the blood of Christ, 1 Peter 1:19. No one is predestinated, no one needs to be predestinated. Salvation has been provided for all by the doing and the dying of Jesus, Hebrews 2:9. We believe that we can stand before God in the judgment based upon his merit and not our own.


Well-known member
pateism is atheism, it denies the saving death of Christ. Whenever one teaches that people who Christ died for still wind up in hell for their sins in unbelief, they are antichrist !


New member
Calvinists and Arminians are in the broad way that leads to destruction. The narrow way has no creeds, denominations or statements except, "The just shall live by trust".

God's Truth

New member
There is no God in the Bible that fits the God of Calvinism.

There is no God in the Bible who fits the God of those who preach faith alone and damnation to those who believe and obey.

There is no scripture anywhere in the Bible that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell. I have tried to find the God of Calvinism in the Bible, but to no avail.

The Calvinists were led astray just like you were. Think about it.

The God in the Bible so loves the world that he gives his only begotten son, John 3:16. The God of Calvinism hates the world and predestinates the world to hell.
The Calvinists do not believe God hates everyone.

God so loves the world that he sends his only begotten son into the world to reconcile the world unto himself, 2 Corinthians 5:19 and in doing so provides salvation for all men, 1 Timothy 2:4. The God of Calvinism is divisive and unjust.

According to what you tell me for obeying and preaching obedience, your God, the God of faith alone killed everything that the God of the Bible ever said to us except the word 'believe'.

Instead of saving the world and providing salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9, he only chooses "Some certain persons" to be saved and then damns the rest to hell, even before they were ever born. Can you believe that?
Can you believe that your God damns all who obey to Hell? According to your beliefs, the one who sins but says he believes in Jesus saving him for not obeying is saved; but, the one who sins, repents of the sins, and believe Jesus saved him for doing what Jesus says is condemned.

You are just as bad off as the Calvinists.
How does one believe and have faith in the God of Calvinism? I can't and I don't believe that anyone can. This is why I believe that Calvinism is a form of atheism.
Faith alone is a form of atheism too, for just as the atheists don't obey God and believe they do not have to, you do not believe you have to obey either.

It is not possible to believe and have faith in the mean, cruel, unjust God of Calvinism.

How about the God you teach about, saying those who obey are condemned. How are your beliefs any better than the Calvinists?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is no God in the Bible who fits the God of those who preach faith alone and damnation to those who believe and obey.

The Calvinists were led astray just like you were. Think about it.

The Calvinists do not believe God hates everyone.

According to what you tell me for obeying and preaching obedience, your God, the God of faith alone killed everything that the God of the Bible ever said to us except the word 'believe'.

Can you believe that your God damns all who obey to Hell? According to your beliefs, the one who sins but says he believes in Jesus saving him for not obeying is saved; but, the one who sins, repents of the sins, and believe Jesus saved him for doing what Jesus says is condemned.

You are just as bad off as the Calvinists.

Faith alone is a form of atheism too, for just as the atheists don't obey God and believe they do not have to, you do not believe you have to obey either.

How about the God you teach about, saying those who obey are condemned. How are your beliefs any better than the Calvinists?

In the judgment there will be no condemnation to those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1.

Not sure about those that are trying to be justified by their obedience to the law.

God's Truth

New member
In the judgment there will be no condemnation to those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1.

Not sure about those that are trying to be justified by their obedience to the law.

You do not get kept out of Jesus by obeying him.

What you teach is just as dumb or dumber than what the Calvinists teach.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
pateism is atheism, it denies the saving death of Christ. Whenever one teaches that people who Christ died for still wind up in hell for their sins in unbelief, they are antichrist !

Can't find your divisive, unjust, unmerciful, cruel mean God in the scriptures, so, I guess he doesn't exist.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You do not get kept out of Jesus by obeying him.

What you teach is just as dumb or dumber than what the Calvinists teach.

You don't know what I teach because you never read it.

You think that the law justifies, Paul says that you are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

God's Truth

New member
Both Pate and Beloved are in a fight to see who obeys the least.

Pate you lose, because you say you believe (which is obeying), but you say it is not.

Neither one of you do what the Way says to be saved.

God's Truth

New member
You don't know what I teach because you never read it.

You think that the law justifies, Paul says that you are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

Paul says that to people who think they still have to offer animals.

I do not teach that. For you to keep saying I teach that shows you how ignorant you are.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
He can't find yours either.

I can't find either one of yours.

The God that I serve justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles a world of lost sinners to himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

Your God is a taskmaster, ready to crack you with his whip when you fail.

God's Truth

New member
Pate you have been fighting against the Calvinists for a long time, but you lose. You lose according to your own false rules.

God's Truth

New member
The God that I serve justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles a world of lost sinners to himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

Your God is a taskmaster, ready to crack you with his whip when you fail.

You have to lie about my beliefs to defend your beliefs. Who but the devil would be behind that tactic?

God's Truth

New member
You lose Pate, you lose against the Calvinists, and that is according to your own beliefs and rules.

Calvinists do absolutely nothing to be saved, but you claim you have done nothing either...except believe that you have to do nothing.

The Calvinists' NOTHING beats your NOTHING.
