Interview of Jordan Peterson by femnist

Gary K

New member
This interview is oustanding. Jordan Peterson presents reality vs political ideology on a wide variety of leftist's ideology and does very well. He does so well in fact that Douglas Murray of the Spectator says Peterson made the British media look bad, and that the interviewer should sue, I guess to get the interview taken offline. This is as good as some of Thomas Sowell's destruction of leftist's points of view.


New member
This guy is really bright, kind of a mismatch with this ignorant feminist who kept cutting him off as soon as he started answering her fool questions. She literally has no listening skills, she kept falsely restating his answers and making up things he never said. She is a bad joke.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
This interview is oustanding. Jordan Peterson presents reality vs political ideology on a wide variety of leftist's ideology and does very well. He does so well in fact that Douglas Murray of the Spectator says Peterson made the British media look bad, and that the interviewer should sue, I guess to get the interview taken offline. This is as good as some of Thomas Sowell's destruction of leftist's points of view.

Funny you should bring this up.
Someone else sent me this just the other day.
Fantastic interview.

Leftists are just not interested in finding truth; only pushing their shallow agenda.

Gary K

New member
This guy is really bright, kind of a mismatch with this ignorant feminist who kept cutting him off as soon as he started answering her fool questions. She literally has no listening skills, she kept falsely restating his answers and making up things he never said. She is a bad joke.

If you look around TOL you will find this same thing happening. It's the same thing every time a leftist wants to contest ideas. They are always on the wrong side of the facts. That's because socialism is built upon dishonesty, illusion, megalomania, etc.... clear back to its very first promoters. Saint-Simon was a magalomaniac who believed God had told him that he was to create a new society based upon the destruction of morality, and he was to lead this revolution. Karl Marx was no better. He was another megalomaniac who hated morality, Christianity, and was deeply racist to boot. This basis leaves socialists without a factual leg to stand on for their positions.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This guy is really bright, kind of a mismatch with this ignorant feminist who kept cutting him off as soon as he started answering her fool questions. She literally has no listening skills, she kept falsely restating his answers and making up things he never said. She is a bad joke.
I can agree with that.

The left seem to base their whole agenda on the "Don't you care?" fallacy.
Fallacy because it usually picks the wrong side of the argument to care about.

Millions of babies murdered in the womb for convenience.
Don't you care about women's rights?

Gay marriage gives poop chute pokers a social legitimacy.
Don't you care about love?

It's all an emotional tactic to make it appear like YOU are the one that is uncaring, when it is THEY that are uncaring about right and wrong.


New member
That was quite an interesting video. A calm and collected, intellectually honest clinical psychologist being interviewed by an irrational, rude, and moronic media shill. She was so overeager to misunderstand everything he said and still had the audacity to accuse him of being a provocateur.

She really represnts what a lot of the media has been reduced to. It was just a bit more clear in this video, almost laughably so. Really nothing but a grotesque display of political correctness, moral posturing (sans the actual morals), and virtue signalling. I think Jordan Peterson really got under her skin by remaining to relaxed and unintimidated. Ouch!

BTW, Douglas Murray, the guy who wrote the piece in the Spectator is also enjoyable to watch in debates and interviews. He's done a couple of podcasts with Sam Harris that are pretty enjoyable, and his book The Strange Death of Europe is an informative read.

This is as good as some of Thomas Sowell's destruction of leftist's points of view.

I really enjoyed his writings over the years. One of my favorite tactics when speaking with unhinged progressives is to cite something from Thomas Sowell. They usually have no idea who he is, and reply with something along the lines of "yeah, but he's just a rich, white guy", not realizing that he's black guy, but also not realizing that it shouldn't have mattered anyways.

If you enjoy watching the "destruction of leftist's points of view", I'd recommend adding some Milton Friedman videos to your playlist. Thanks for sharing the video.

Gary K

New member
That was quite an interesting video. A calm and collected, intellectually honest clinical psychologist being interviewed by an irrational, rude, and moronic media shill. She was so overeager to misunderstand everything he said and still had the audacity to accuse him of being a provocateur.

She really represnts what a lot of the media has been reduced to. It was just a bit more clear in this video, almost laughably so. Really nothing but a grotesque display of political correctness, moral posturing (sans the actual morals), and virtue signalling. I think Jordan Peterson really got under her skin by remaining to relaxed and unintimidated. Ouch!

BTW, Douglas Murray, the guy who wrote the piece in the Spectator is also enjoyable to watch in debates and interviews. He's done a couple of podcasts with Sam Harris that are pretty enjoyable, and his book The Strange Death of Europe is an informative read.

I really enjoyed his writings over the years. One of my favorite tactics when speaking with unhinged progressives is to cite something from Thomas Sowell. They usually have no idea who he is, and reply with something along the lines of "yeah, but he's just a rich, white guy", not realizing that he's black guy, but also not realizing that it shouldn't have mattered anyways.

If you enjoy watching the "destruction of leftist's points of view", I'd recommend adding some Milton Friedman videos to your playlist. Thanks for sharing the video.

I haven't read a lot of Milton Friedman. His books, even in used condition, are still pretty expensive for me. i have read a lot of Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, and a few more of the libertarian economists. These guys are excellent at destroying the socialist narratives. One reason they are is because that most of them were at one time Marxists and came out of the delusion.

As to the interviewer, she is no different than any of the other socialists trying to defend political correctness to someone who understands what is really going on. They are all reduced to the same things she was. Only she was stubborn enough to keep on trying when it was clear that she didn't have a chance in the debate she herself initiated. She knew she was overmatched, but she wasn't going to give up. And that's basically some of what Peterson was telling her.


New member
I haven't read a lot of Milton Friedman.

You can get the gist of his arguments by just looking for videos online. The shorter ones usually show him answering questions from audience members after speaking engagements. But you can also find complete episodes of his "Free to Choose" progarm online for a fuller view.

As to the interviewer, she is no different than any of the other socialists trying to defend political correctness to someone who understands what is really going on. They are all reduced to the same things she was. Only she was stubborn enough to keep on trying when it was clear that she didn't have a chance in the debate she herself initiated. She knew she was overmatched, but she wasn't going to give up. And that's basically some of what Peterson was telling her.

SO, you're basically saying that men are better than women? ;)

Gary K

New member
You can get the gist of his arguments by just looking for videos online. The shorter ones usually show him answering questions from audience members after speaking engagements. But you can also find complete episodes of his "Free to Choose" progarm online for a fuller view.

SO, you're basically saying that men are better than women? ;)

Yeah. You hit the nail right on the head. Kind of reminds of how good barb is at analysis.... :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Funny you should bring this up.
Someone else sent me this just the other day.
Fantastic interview.

Leftists are just not interested in finding truth; only pushing their shallow agenda.

What's actually shallow is reducing people to politics, one way or the other. It's only those on the extremes of either "side" that tend to do this. In other words, not all "liberals" agree on everything and not all "conservatives" do either. The bias is more evident here as it's a conservative site but the more vocal exponents here stem from the far right, hence even non liberals being referred to as "leftists" when in reality they aren't etc.

Gary K

New member
I wonder how long the author of the following article had to sleep to dream up their response to the Jordan Peterson interview. Why? Because in the author's estimation Jordan Peterson was leveling a neverending stream of misogynitic abuse at Cathy Newman because of the MeToo movement. In other words, the charge is that Peterson was the one being unreasonable, bullying, aggressive, and constantly using logical fallacies. Since that is pure fantasy it had to come from the author's dreams.

way 2 go

Well-known member
cognitive dissonance at 22:00 - 23:15

It is interesting to watch her work through it,
that is being for both freedom of speech and censorship.
