Interesting article on LV shooting

Gary K

New member
The guy at TruePundit has been getting death threats because of his reporting on the LV shooting. He has been documenting on the internal war going on in the FBI and how one group is actually working to solve the crime and the other group, the McCabe faction, is working to stop the truth from coming out. The excerpt below comes from the following link where you can find the entire article.

The rogue faction of the FBI — leftover disciples of the Andrew McCabe-school of federal law enforcement — have waged a manhunt to find FBI personnel who are leaking REAL details about the Mandalay Bay massacre to independent news media.
You might think the FBI would spend its time running down leads to pinpoint the details of the Las Vegas shooting spree that claimed the lives of 58 people and injured 500 more.

Not so. But it is imperative to understand the two FBIs at play in Las Vegas right now, One faction comprises the rank-and-file FBI who are working diligently to run down leads on Stephen Paddock and who helped him. And he did have help, The other faction at work are upper-echelon FBI who are trying to control and curate a carefully-constructed narrative: Paddock was a lone wolf, a mystery man who has stumped law enforcement. Even the Deep State’s house organ, the New York Times was employed to try and stop the bleeding this week of the faulty official narrative.
“They want to plug the leak up as fast as possible,” one FBI source said. “It’s making a difference.”
On Thursday, federal law enforcement sources reported to True Pundit’s Thomas Paine death threats from rogue factions of the intelligence community. The Deep State. Angered by revelations from True Pundit’s ongoing “Fear and Lying in Las Vegas” series, well-placed FBI sources warned the information in the series is endangering Paine’s life.
Paine set out on social media to convey this to True Pundit’s readers.