Insane Democrats Go Right Back to Russia!

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I got to listen to the beginning of Rush Limbaugh yesterday, and it was great. You really should listen to the first 15 or 20 minuted of thos video. Seriously.

Insane Democrats Go Right Back to Russia!

"I told you to be on the lookout because there is gonna be something come down the pike. There are 10 months left, and even though impeachment blew up on ’em, there’s gonna be something else. And I’m kicking myself. I’m kicking myself for not realizing what it was gonna be. I mean, I mentioned it in a list of possibilities. But I’m stupid. I should have realized they’re gonna go straight back to Russia. And they’ve done it"



I got to listen to the beginning of Rush Limbaugh yesterday, and it was great. You really should listen to the first 15 or 20 minuted of thos video. Seriously.

Insane Democrats Go Right Back to Russia!

"I told you to be on the lookout because there is gonna be something come down the pike. There are 10 months left, and even though impeachment blew up on ’em, there’s gonna be something else. And I’m kicking myself. I’m kicking myself for not realizing what it was gonna be. I mean, I mentioned it in a list of possibilities. But I’m stupid. I should have realized they’re gonna go straight back to Russia. And they’ve done it"

Oh yeah, Rush. Well, listen to him if you want more trumpy lies and have your brain turn to mush.

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Credo in Unum Deum
"okay. You’re Vladimir Putin. And you’re surveying the American scene. You got Trump, who is acing the ChiComs on trade deals. He’s acing the Mexicans. He’s acing the Filipinos, the South Koreas, everybody. Trump is reordering American trade deals and making them much more favorable and fair to the United States.

Trump has rebuilt the U.S. military. It’s stronger than it’s been in years. That scares the hell out of Vladimir Putin. We’re to believe that Vladimir Putin wants this guy reelected when it’s possible to have somebody who honeymooned in Moscow as the president of the United States? That would be Crazy Bernie.

Anybody in their right mind would know that Vladimir Putin would much prefer Crazy Bernie be president than another four years of Donald Trump. How stupid do they think we are? Crazy Bernie loves Moscow, loves Havana, loves communism. And Putin wants Trump?

Oh yeah, Rush

Yes, Rush: The most listened to news personality ever, and presidential medal of freedom winner.

Rush tells the truth. I have yet to see you tell the truth.

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The Latest Renewal At Stirring Up Trump-Russia Collusion Hysterics Is So Thin, Even CNN's Tapper Called It Out

Oh, and even CNN’s Jake Tapper took these new allegations to the woodshed. As Streiffnoted on RedState, we don’t know what the evidence is, what agencies are involved, or the confidence of this assessment. Tapper took to Twitter to go on a lengthy thread about how intelligence officials he knows pushed back on what was being peddled by his colleagues in the media. In all, the intelligence gathered bears no fruit in confirming the ‘Russia is helping Trump’ allegation that was supposedly tossed out there by Shelby Pierson, the man in charge with our election security


"okay. You’re Vladimir Putin. And you’re surveying the American scene. You got Trump, who is acing the ChiComs on trade deals. He’s acing the Mexicans. He’s acing the Filipinos, the South Koreas, everybody. Trump is reordering American trade deals and making them much more favorable and fair to the United States.

Trump has rebuilt the U.S. military. It’s stronger than it’s been in years. That scares the hell out of Vladimir Putin. We’re to believe that Vladimir Putin wants this guy reelected when it’s possible to have somebody who honeymooned in Moscow as the president of the United States? That would be Crazy Bernie.

Anybody in their right mind would know that Vladimir Putin would much prefer Crazy Bernie be president than another four years of Donald Trump. How stupid do they think we are? Crazy Bernie loves Moscow, loves Havana, loves communism. And Putin wants Trump?

Yes, Rush: The most listened to news personality ever, and presidential medal of freedom winner.

Rush tells the truth. I have yet to see you tell the truth.

No he does not. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from an even bigger liar.

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