Information Warfare


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House Armed Services Committee Hearings

Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems Hearing: "Technology and Information Warfare: The Competition for Influence and the Department of Defense"

Dr. Herb Lin
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation
Stanford University

April 30, 2021

"Information warfare threat to the United States is different from past threats, and it has the potential to destroy reason and reality as a basis for societal discourse, replacing them with rage and fantasy. Perpetual civil war, political extremism, waged in the information sphere and egged on by our adversaries is every bit as much of an existential threat to American civilization and democracy as any military threat imaginable."

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum

Right? Anna quotes the most extremist liars to promote her extremist lies. Like someone here is actually going to believe her.

She is right about video though. Muslim Extremists and Antifa are big on video. But she is a liar and won't admit they the ae the actual terrorists.


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Meet Christiane Northrup, doctor of disinformation

The Yarmouth obstetrician-gynecologist was once a best-selling self-help author and regular Oprah guest. Now she promotes extreme conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, masks and vaccines.

The auditorium at Rhema Bible Training College in suburban Tulsa, Oklahoma, was filled with more than 4,000 unmasked people and onstage sat dozens more when Maine’s celebrity physician, Dr. Christiane Northrup, stepped up to the podium the evening of April 16.

Disgraced Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn had stood in the same spot four hours earlier, railing to attendees of the Health and Freedom Conference against schoolchildren wearing masks and the validity of the 2020 election. Trump attorney Lin Wood would follow her an hour later, loudly extolling the “truth” of the QAnon conspiracy and urging the execution by firing squad of those who were allegedly kidnapping, raping and eating children, a sprawling cabal of evildoers he claimed included “the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens and the Bushes.”

Over the next 20 minutes Northrup – who once regularly graced Oprah Winfrey’s television couch, delivered a commencement address to the University of Maine at Farmington, and practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 26 years in Yarmouth – rattled out a stream of falsehoods: that COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent the disease but will make humankind sterile and might kill babies breastfed by their vaccinated mothers; that people shouldn’t wear masks but should fear being around vaccinated people, who could infect others with malignant vaccine particles and who are being secretly spied upon with components of the vaccine that covertly relay physiological information to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation via cellphone cameras and a patented mechanism involving cryptocurrency. . . .

With half a million Facebook followers, and hundreds of thousands more on Twitter and, until Thursday, Instagram, Northrup’s increasingly outrageous theories have an enormous reach. The Center for Confronting Digital Hate in late March named her as one of the “disinformation dozen” who collectively generate 65 percent of all anti-COVID-19 vaccine social media shares and up to 73 percent of those on Facebook.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum

Gary K

New member

Meet Christiane Northrup, doctor of disinformation

The Yarmouth obstetrician-gynecologist was once a best-selling self-help author and regular Oprah guest. Now she promotes extreme conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, masks and vaccines.

The auditorium at Rhema Bible Training College in suburban Tulsa, Oklahoma, was filled with more than 4,000 unmasked people and onstage sat dozens more when Maine’s celebrity physician, Dr. Christiane Northrup, stepped up to the podium the evening of April 16.

Disgraced Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn had stood in the same spot four hours earlier, railing to attendees of the Health and Freedom Conference against schoolchildren wearing masks and the validity of the 2020 election. Trump attorney Lin Wood would follow her an hour later, loudly extolling the “truth” of the QAnon conspiracy and urging the execution by firing squad of those who were allegedly kidnapping, raping and eating children, a sprawling cabal of evildoers he claimed included “the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens and the Bushes.”

Over the next 20 minutes Northrup – who once regularly graced Oprah Winfrey’s television couch, delivered a commencement address to the University of Maine at Farmington, and practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 26 years in Yarmouth – rattled out a stream of falsehoods: that COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent the disease but will make humankind sterile and might kill babies breastfed by their vaccinated mothers; that people shouldn’t wear masks but should fear being around vaccinated people, who could infect others with malignant vaccine particles and who are being secretly spied upon with components of the vaccine that covertly relay physiological information to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation via cellphone cameras and a patented mechanism involving cryptocurrency. . . .

With half a million Facebook followers, and hundreds of thousands more on Twitter and, until Thursday, Instagram, Northrup’s increasingly outrageous theories have an enormous reach. The Center for Confronting Digital Hate in late March named her as one of the “disinformation dozen” who collectively generate 65 percent of all anti-COVID-19 vaccine social media shares and up to 73 percent of those on Facebook.
Yeah, you're a big propagandist. You buy into all the fake news.

Did you know miscarriages are up 400%. Did you know women around the world are experiencing severe problems with their periods. Women who have had very stable periods their entire lives are experiencing major bleeding problems? Did you know other women, non-menopausal, are not having periods at all? Men who are married to women who got vaccinated are having symptoms in which their scrotums swell to the point they can't wear any pants?

Way to go Northrup for exposing all the lies and revealing the truth about these kill shots. And we're just reaching the beginning of what these shots will do as it will take 3 to 4 months for the real effects of what the vaccines are going to begin doing to people.

And, yes, Microsoft's patent has been in the public record since it was patented. I read the patent months ago. You're posting flat out disinformation.


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War in All but Name

The U.S. is already at war, and Great Power Competition is that war.[1] The information war that has raged in various forms since the 1920s has evolved into cyber operations, such as Moonlight Maze, and disinformation campaigns, as seen in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.[2] The U.S. National Security Strategy has recently tried to prioritize cyber and information warfare—a necessary step in our modern world. Yet, these steps do not go far enough to counter adversaries in these domains. Information warfare, combined with political and economic acts of aggression, comprises the majority of actions between the United States and Russia, and the United States and China.[3] These actions are at levels of hostility not seen since the Cold War era, as evidenced by U.S. Cyber Command’s (USCYBERCOM) persistent engagement strategy and the Chinese strategy of Unrestricted Warfare.[4]

Ultimately, Russia and China plan on winning the Great Power Competition by undermining the U.S., sowing discord, and continuing a secret war until the positions in the world order are reversed.


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China already ‘engaging in irregular war’ with US in the ‘grey zone’

“Russia and China plan on winning the Great Power Competition by undermining the US, sowing discord, and continuing a secret war until the positions in the world order are reversed,” an essay by US navy analyst Derek Bernsen argues.
Polarisation. Conspiracy. Hate.

They already exist. But a few well-placed social media posts and complicit “influencers” can nudge them in beneficial directions.
“Many elements of irregular warfare, such as psychological warfare, legal warfare, and cyberwarfare, are central to the PLA’s concept of information warfare and its theory of victory in a conventional conflict,” the Modern Warfare Institute analysis argues.

Beijing’s military has a name for it: The Three Warfares.

Public opinion. Morale. Legal processes.



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‘Carol’s Journey’: What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users

Internal documents suggest Facebook has long known that its algorithms and recommendation systems push some users to extremes.

In the summer of 2019, a new Facebook user named Carol Smith signed up for the platform, describing herself as a politically conservative mother from Wilmington, North Carolina. Smith’s account indicated an interest in politics, parenting, and Christianity, and followed a few of her favorite brands, including Fox News and then-President Donald Trump.

Though Smith had never expressed interest in conspiracy theories, in just two days Facebook was recommending she join groups dedicated to QAnon, a sprawling and baseless conspiracy theory and movement that claimed Trump was secretly saving the world from a cabal of pedophiles and Satanists.

Smith didn’t follow the recommended QAnon groups, but whatever algorithm Facebook was using to determine how she should engage with the platform pushed ahead just the same. Within one week, Smith’s feed was full of groups and pages that had violated Facebook’s own rules, including those against hate speech and disinformation.

Smith wasn’t a real person. A researcher employed by Facebook invented the account, along with those of other fictitious “test users” in 2019 and 2020, as part of an experiment in studying the platform’s role in misinforming and polarizing users through its recommendations systems.

That researcher said Smith’s Facebook experience was “a barrage of extreme, conspiratorial, and graphic content.”

The body of research consistently found Facebook pushed some users into “rabbit holes,” increasingly narrow echo-chambers where violent conspiracy theories thrived. People radicalized through these rabbit holes make up a small slice of total users, but at Facebook’s scale, that can mean millions of individuals.


Well-known member
House Armed Services Committee Hearings

Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems Hearing: "Technology and Information Warfare: The Competition for Influence and the Department of Defense"

Dr. Herb Lin
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation
Stanford University

April 30, 2021

"Information warfare threat to the United States is different from past threats, and it has the potential to destroy reason and reality as a basis for societal discourse, replacing them with rage and fantasy. Perpetual civil war, political extremism, waged in the information sphere and egged on by our adversaries is every bit as much of an existential threat to American civilization and democracy as any military threat imaginable."
Perhaps the reason Obama officials never found out how Assange got his hands on Hillary's emails was that the spy agencies were too involved in spying on enemies of the democrat party than on democrats who were committing the technology espionage.

CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.


like marbles on glass
Newsmax and Fox News have aired old, out-of-context photos of empty grocery store shelves in recent segments bashing President Joe Biden for the jammed-up supply chain that experts say is backlogged due the the coronavirus pandemic’s strain on the global economy.

Shortages of labor and raw materials have certainly created bottlenecks at a time when shoppers are looking to spend. And photos of depleted shelves, like these from the Associated Press in October, have legitimately helped to illustrate that story.

But other photos that appeared on Newsmax and Fox News were taken as early as March 2020, and some were snapped in other countries. The conservative networks represented them as though they were current and taken in the U.S.

"It is unprofessional and unethical to repurpose images from another time and place to illustrate a story that has nothing to do with the original context in which those images were made," said Nina Berman, the director of the photojournalism program at Columbia Journalism School.




Well-known member
Newsmax and Fox News have aired old, out-of-context photos of empty grocery store shelves in recent segments bashing President Joe Biden for the jammed-up supply chain that experts say is backlogged due the the coronavirus pandemic’s strain on the global economy.

Shortages of labor and raw materials have certainly created bottlenecks at a time when shoppers are looking to spend. And photos of depleted shelves, like these from the Associated Press in October, have legitimately helped to illustrate that story.

But other photos that appeared on Newsmax and Fox News were taken as early as March 2020, and some were snapped in other countries. The conservative networks represented them as though they were current and taken in the U.S.

"It is unprofessional and unethical to repurpose images from another time and place to illustrate a story that has nothing to do with the original context in which those images were made," said Nina Berman, the director of the photojournalism program at Columbia Journalism School.


Wake up sleepy head Americans. High prices and shortages of labor and goods are here to stay, thanks to creepy FJ Biden.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Zuckerberg has started with force feeding the global warming propaganda.