In our name and on our behalf

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Not only was Jesus God with us, Jesus was also God for us.

All that Jesus was and all that Jesus did was for our justification and our salvation. In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we can now stand before God's Holy Court as perfect and complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

God demands two things for the salvation of fallen man.

1. A life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law.

2. A perfect atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

Jesus in our name and on our behalf has fulfilled every jot and tittle of God's Holy Law, Matthew 5:18.

Jesus in our name and on our behalf, has atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

Jesus has victoriously met all of the conditions for the salvation of fallen man, Colossians 2:15. Not only did Jesus fulfill the law for us, he also abolished the law for us, because it was contrary to us. No one could keep it or do it. It made us hypocrites, Colossians 2:14.

When God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ". Trusting in Christ and in Christ alone, God gives us the Holy Spirit. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal his Son Jesus Christ to us, John 16:14. The Old Mosaic law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. We no longer live by laws and rules, we are now led by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth, John 16:13.

Paul said that a righteous man (a Christian) does not need the law, 1 Timothy 1:9, 10. He does not need the law because he is led by the Holy Spirit. There is no religion that can do for us what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. The law has been fulfilled and abolished. Our sins and the sins of the whole world have been atoned for. We stand as perfect and complete "In Christ" with the Holy Spirit as our teacher and our guide.

All that have faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus and believe that Jesus has justified, sanctified and redeemed them, have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. This is a rest from religion. We are no longer trying to be good enough. We believe that Jesus was good enough for us.

Ask Mr. Religion

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God demands two things for the salvation of fallen man.

1. A life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law.

2. A perfect atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.


God has but one demand for the non-believer, Robert:
Call upon the name of the Lord and be irrevocably saved.

Live, and do this. Such is the Covenant of Grace.

Your flirtation with the Covenant of Works—do this and live—is becoming trying and boring.

Yet another example of your repetitiveness in starting redundant threads.

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New member
God demands two things for the salvation of fallen man.

1. A life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law.
The Bible states what God requires, and it is not "perfect obedience".
God requires for us to respect and love HIM as well as requiring us to choose to let God lead us in everything we do.

Deuteronomy 10:12-13
12 And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,
13 To keep the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?​

2. A perfect atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.
That is not what the Bible states.
Did you make that up yourself or did you get it from somewhere else?


New member
God has but one demand for the non-believer, Robert:
Call upon the name of the Lord and be irrevocably saved.

Live, and do this. Such is the Covenant of Grace.

Your flirtation with the Covenant of Works—do this and live—is becoming trying and boring.
Your "Covenant of Grace" and "Covenant of Works" are not found in the Bible.
They are fictional covenants that distort the Bible the same way as the "Seven Dispensations" that the Dispensationalists talk about.


Not only was Jesus God with us, Jesus was also God for us.

All that Jesus was and all that Jesus did was for our justification and our salvation. In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we can now stand before God's Holy Court as perfect and complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

God demands two things for the salvation of fallen man.

1. A life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law.

2. A perfect atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

Jesus in our name and on our behalf has fulfilled every jot and tittle of God's Holy Law, Matthew 5:18.

Jesus in our name and on our behalf, has atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

Jesus has victoriously met all of the conditions for the salvation of fallen man, Colossians 2:15. Not only did Jesus fulfill the law for us, he also abolished the law for us, because it was contrary to us. No one could keep it or do it. It made us hypocrites, Colossians 2:14.

When God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ". Trusting in Christ and in Christ alone, God gives us the Holy Spirit. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal his Son Jesus Christ to us, John 16:14. The Old Mosaic law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. We no longer live by laws and rules, we are now led by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth, John 16:13.

Paul said that a righteous man (a Christian) does not need the law, 1 Timothy 1:9, 10. He does not need the law because he is led by the Holy Spirit. There is no religion that can do for us what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. The law has been fulfilled and abolished. Our sins and the sins of the whole world have been atoned for. We stand as perfect and complete "In Christ" with the Holy Spirit as our teacher and our guide.

All that have faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus and believe that Jesus has justified, sanctified and redeemed them, have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. This is a rest from religion. We are no longer trying to be good enough. We believe that Jesus was good enough for us.


Today is Sheni, 11-27.

No. Incorrect. You are wrong. You are incorrect.



Robert Pate

Well-known member
Amazing. There it is right in front of them and they cannot see it or understand it. I have always said that no one can see or understand the Gospel unless they are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Here is proof.

They think that 1. and 2. is something that they must do.

Wakeup blind people, that is something that God has already done for us in Jesus Christ.


Amazing. There it is right in front of them and they cannot see it or understand it. I have always said that no one can see or understand the Gospel unless they are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Here is proof.

They think that 1. and 2. is something that they must do.

Wakeup blind people, that is something that God has already done for us in Jesus Christ.


If this is addressed to me, as it was not a reply to my post, I can only say that the Spirit of God dwells, lives, in me (inside (of) me), and that I understand what Jesus Christ has done for me. So I do not understand what you are saying. Now if it was for someone else, let them know. You said, there it is right in front of them and they cannot see it or understand it. You have not said who they (them) is (are). You have not let people know what it is that is in front of them that they cannot see or understand, even if anything in truth.



Robert Pate

Well-known member
So everyone in the world is indwelt with the Holy Spirit?

Nope, The only ones that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit are those that know and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their only means of salvation.

The rest are blinded by their religion. This is why Jesus said, "Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

If this is addressed to me, as it was not a reply to my post, I can only say that the Spirit of God dwells, lives, in me (inside (of) me), and that I understand what Jesus Christ has done for me. So I do not understand what you are saying. Now if it was for someone else, let them know. You said, there it is right in front of them and they cannot see it or understand it. You have not said who they (them) is (are). You have not let people know what it is that is in front of them that they cannot see or understand, even if anything in truth.



You cannot reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be saved. You are as lost as they come.


Active member
Nope, The only ones that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit are those that know and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their only means of salvation.

The rest are blinded by their religion. This is why Jesus said, "Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

So how can it be that no one can understand the gospel unless they are in your words "indwelt" with the Holy Spirit, yet the only way they can be "indwelt" with the Holy Spirit is if they know and embrace the gospel? Don't you see the paradox here?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So how can it be that no one can understand the gospel unless they are in your words "indwelt" with the Holy Spirit, yet the only way they can be "indwelt" with the Holy Spirit is if they know and embrace the gospel? Don't you see the paradox here?

When one comes to Christ as a repentant sinner to be saved by him, God gives them his Holy Spirit as their teacher and their guide, John 16:13-15.


New member
John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16:13,14.

Praise be HalleluYah...

Cuz those verses are EXACTLY what keeps you keeping the stay on that Path the Spirit guides you on and you will do fine...and abide in His Love...and keep your Name in the book of life...

Earlier you had me worried with all your going on about NO was get to do what you

That the Law makes you sin...brings condemnation here and there and everywhere a burden and for da jews only not for christians...

But soon you will realize if you are driving the speed limit you dont have to panic and slow down when you see the Po Po...just smile and wave...haha...that really gets them suspicious...

But with those verses you posted just keep following the Spirit and it will indeed teach and guide you along a life OF His faith...His WAY...followed just love just as He did...

And to live life abundantly...”do this and LIVE” AND in the next life...

Oh man so happy you posted those texts which the Spirit will guide you to...


Active member
No one is indwelt with the Holy Spirit until they believe the Gospel, Galatians 3:2.

That's not what you said in post #6. You said that no one can understand the Gospel unless they are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. How can someone believe the Gospel if they don't understand it? What do you think the word believe means?
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