In 2006, CNN Warned About Using Venezuelan Owned Electronic Voting Machines

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In 2006, CNN Warned About Using Venezuelan Owned Electronic Voting Machines In The US…When Did They Stop Caring About Secure Elections In America?

Lou Dobbs wasn’t always a Fox Business News host. The conservative host, who isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions was a host on CNN from 1980 -2009. In 2006, Dobbs and CNN correspondent Katie Pilgrim shared her investigative report on Smartmatic voting machines.

Dobbs began the segment by warning, “A firm owned by Venezuela could be allowed to take over one of this country’s top voting firms.” He explained that Venezuela is owned by dictator Hugo Chavez. “Critics warn that our nation’s very democracy is now for sale without doing a thing about it,” Dobbs said.

CNN correspondent Katie Pilgrim joined Dobbs where she shared a frightening expose on 19,ooo electronic voting machines used by Chicago, IL Sequoia in their 2006 elections. In 2005, Sequoia, a US company that made the electronic voting machines, was bought by Smartmatic, a private company primarily owned by Venezuelan businessmen.

“When Chicago had problems with their machines, over a dozen Venezuelans were there to help with the elections,” Pilgrim explained. While Smartmatic was technically based in Boca Raton, FL, most of the employees were based in Venezuela

OMG!! Can you believe this? Fake News counts on the fact that you won't remember what they said before.


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