I'm voting for the whacko bird (as McCain called): Cruz


New member
I have only purchased ONE book in the last several years. Normally, i wait until a book is in the libraries, because i am cheap.. But i bought Ted Cruz's book and YOU should all read it also.

I learned an AWFUL lot about what is going on in this country... I already knew things were bad, but.. YIKES!

Remember when the Iranians wanted to have that LOSER terrorist be their ambassador to the US? It ws Ted Cruz who found a legal way to stop that.

Those Iranians absolutely DESPISE us... They actually have a "Death to America Day" ... actually thought they could get away with this terrorist who was involved in the 1979 hostage situation that lasted 444 days being ambassador...

can't blame them for thinking that... with Mr. Pro Muslim as US president..

Why we are negotiating with them is WAY BEYOND me... (haven't watched any news today... so don't know how that turned out, but can guess it wasn't good...)

Yes, i am voting for Mr. Whacko Bird... It is most of the other so called Rs, apparently, who are actually whacko...

no, wait...

worse than whacko... PHONY (tell their constituents what they have to in order to get voted in and then turn on them once they get elected...)



New member
apparently Cruz and McCain are "friends" now... hope McCain apologized...?

or maybe Cruz is just a forgiving sort.. He must be... Look who he has to WORK with on a daily basis.. poor guy...




New member
The wacko bird tells the truth no matter who wants to hear it or not..

interesting things to say on how TRUE conservatives have won elections in the past (Reagan, Bush 41 the first election [b4 he went rino on us], Bush 43

while RINOs...

have NOT been elected

Romney lost b/c he was overheard disparaging "the 47%" he assumed... (there's that awful word again: assumed) would never vote for him...

Y did he just write off all the poor people, those on entitlements... THEY are humans too, ya know... Tehy do not want to be dependent on the gov anymore tahn anyone else does... (I'd say at least 95% of them anyway)...

weird... But still.... Those who stayed home essentially voted for O

NOT good, obviously...

I'm convinced that most people who vote do not diligently follow the news or carefully examine what candidates REALLY believe in... otherwise, tey wouldn't have stayed home... (with O running????!!! What the.... [!!!???])

but anyhow...



New member
The Wacko Bird is a rare species

while other birds are chirping about such things as how Common Core is good... big government is good... telling lies is good

the Wacko Bird sings a different song..

It is a beautiful song to those of us who have heard, in the last 7 plus years nothing but ... "songs" that

sound like fingernails on a chalkboard


The Horn

Ted Cruz is NOT a conservative . He is a radical fascist theocrat .
Cruz is a DOMINIONIST - a fanatical Christian extremist who wants a Christian theocracy in America which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .
Stupid as he is, he's not stupid enough to come out and admit being such a radical extremist Christian fanatic , but don't be fooled by him , and PLEASE - DON'T DRINK HIS KOOL-AID !!!!
If God forbid, he were elected to be our next president next year, I would seriously consider moving to Canada or Europe . Cruz is bad news for America !


New member
Ted Cruz is NOT a conservative . He is a radical fascist theocrat .
Cruz is a DOMINIONIST - a fanatical Christian extremist who wants a Christian theocracy in America which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .
Stupid as he is, he's not stupid enough to come out and admit being such a radical extremist Christian fanatic , but don't be fooled by him , and PLEASE - DON'T DRINK HIS KOOL-AID !!!!
If God forbid, he were elected to be our next president next year, I would seriously consider moving to Canada or Europe . Cruz is bad news for America !

I didn't read beyond the highlighted of your post, to speak of

But I will just go ahead, take a chance, and reprint what u said with some "minor" changes... You know, so it will make more sense

The Horn is NOT a conservative . He is a radical fascist [God knows what, fill in the blanks.. looney tunes?].
The HOrn is a DOMINIONIST - a fanatical non-Christian extremist who wants a non-=Christian theocracy in America which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .
Stupid as he is, he's not stupid enough to come out and admit being such a radical extremist anti-Christian fanatic , but don't be fooled by him , and PLEASE - DON'T DRINK HIS KOOL-AID !!!!
If God forbid, he were elected to [anything... school board...] next year, I would seriously consider moving to Canada or Europe . The Horn is bad news for America


The Horn

Republicancnick , you setting up an awful lot of straw men here . I'm not radical in any way . In fact, by normal political standards, I'm pretty moderate .
I have absolutely no desire or intention to persecute Christians .
I'm not anti-christian - I'm anti-theocracy , or anything which brings America closer to it . I don't hate Christians , but I do dislike SOME of them, not because they're Christian, but because they're such narrow-minded, intolerant, self-righteous and malicious people. Ted Cruz is one of these awful Christians .
I don't condemn anyone merely for being a Christian , but I do condemn fanatical ones like Cruz .
I have many Christian freinds and aquaintances, and I get along just fine with them . The vast majority of Christians in America aren't bad people , but unfortunately , a small number of them are horrible people, or at least very nasty .
I don't think youre a bad person, Republicanchick , and I don't hate you . But I pity you for being so misguided , deluded and so full of irrational prejudices .


Well-known member
I didn't read beyond the highlighted of your post, to speak of

But I will just go ahead, take a chance, and reprint what u said with some "minor" changes... You know, so it will make more sense

That does not matter anyways. Because you don't actually absorb what you read anyways. So you might as well just not read it at all.


New member
who do you think would win?

either one could win b/c... well, r u talking about primaries or?

if you are talking about who will win against Hellary, I belive either one of them would

people are getting tired of her lack of transparency... how she always gets away with skirting the law... and breaking it...

frankly, there isn't much done about the fact that she destroyed gov property

if you or I did that...

But she's royalty, I know



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
let's try this again

what if

hillary was the democratic nominee
jeb was the republican nominee
trump ran as a third party candidate

who would you vote for?
who do you think would win?