If you were right you would be right


Well-known member
The following a post that I found quite offensive to scripture and to my love for God, the logos, His written logos and for His son, the logos of God in the flesh.

"Monkey jokes.
Oh boy!

Oatmeal and Squeaky slinging their poo at GOD again."

But can that person genuinely substantiate that statement from scripture?

No, it is impossible


Well-known member
I didn't see that. What was the context of the comment and who made it?

Since you asked, I have to wonder how much I want to invest in this thread.

If this was simply a knee jerk reaction then I should not invest in it at all.

However, to assert that I am throwing poop at God is truly offensive to me.

I enjoy my relationship with God though I don't always do His will, ie, I should know better.

God is easy to get along with, He is, after all, perfect.

This comment was from a thread by Squeaky, "Trinity humor" which is a closed thread.

I have no personal vendetta here, but the general principle that somehow I don't love God because I don't agree with someone else's doctrine is ludicrous.


New member
The very reasons we have denominations is people don't agree. Even the non denominations don't agree with other non denominations. I have to laugh when people say they don't like organized religion, I'm thinking versus dis organized religion. My dear friend we all see through a a glass darkly. God is our judge.

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Well-known member
The very reasons we have denominations is people don't agree. Even the non denominations don't agree with other non denominations. I have to laugh when people say they don't like organized religion, I'm thinking versus dis organized religion. My dear friend we all see through a a glass darkly. God is our judge.

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thanks for your input

You got me thinking, God commended His love to us while we were yet sinners.

That has to be our lifestyle.


New member
The very reasons we have denominations is people don't agree. Even the non denominations don't agree with other non denominations. I have to laugh when people say they don't like organized religion, I'm thinking versus dis organized religion. My dear friend we all see through a a glass darkly. God is our judge.

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The reason we have denominations is they are the wide gate and the broad way that leads to destruction. They contain the powerful delusion sent by the Almighty in which He causes them to believe the lie.

patrick jane

The reason we have denominations is they are the wide gate and the broad way that leads to destruction. They contain the powerful delusion sent by the Almighty in which He causes them to believe the lie.
Show me the scripture that says GOD causes people to believe the delusions and lies.2 Thessalonians 2:11 KJV =


New member
And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And Yah Veh said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so.


Well-known member
Try reading the scripture you posted...hahahahahaaa.

that they should is different than causes them to.

Actually, the culture and language of the Hebrews must be understood in order to rightly divide the word of truth.

God is not the source of the delusion, but allowed it.

Ie, God allows you sow what you want to sow, but He says you shall reap what you sow.

Thus you want to sow strife, you will reap strife

If you sow delusions, you shall reap delusions.


Well-known member
I am not a trinitarian.

I have made that clear enough

Evidently one third of the people who answered a poll by Bright Raven about whether Jesus is God or not do not believe he is.

I started off as a trinitarian and defended it for a time, but I wanted to know more.

I wanted to know beyond a shadow of a doubt who Jesus Christ is.

I Timothy 2:5 made that clear to me

Christ Jesus is a man and is distinct from God.

If I am going to be slandered for believing I Timothy 2:5, so be it, I will let my detractors answer to the God and the Father of my lord Jesus Christ for that.

If you want to make fun of what I believe, fine, but to accuse me of slinging poop at God, I let God be the judge.

I Timothy 2:5 is clear, Christ Jesus is a man and is distinct from God