New member
Yeh, that's why people don't want to become, or be labeled as "Christian"
b/c a lot of so called Christians say or imply (and teach in their "churches") that you can't get involved w/ what's going on in the political realm if you are professing to be a follower of Christ...
so some of us who CARE about what is going on and ... don't want it to continue this status quo-business-as-usual game are given a choice:
keep our Christianity to ourselves in the public forum or
be outspoken about being a Christian but check the old brain at the door when it comes to getting involved in what is going on (not going on)
Yeh, I think that's in the bible somewhere... "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened... and I will give you rest... as soon as you check your brain outside the door of My Church..."
yeh, I seem to recall some psg like that...
b/c a lot of so called Christians say or imply (and teach in their "churches") that you can't get involved w/ what's going on in the political realm if you are professing to be a follower of Christ...
so some of us who CARE about what is going on and ... don't want it to continue this status quo-business-as-usual game are given a choice:
keep our Christianity to ourselves in the public forum or
be outspoken about being a Christian but check the old brain at the door when it comes to getting involved in what is going on (not going on)
Yeh, I think that's in the bible somewhere... "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened... and I will give you rest... as soon as you check your brain outside the door of My Church..."
yeh, I seem to recall some psg like that...