If you truly love someone... vote for Ted Cruz


New member

If you truly love someone... vote for Ted Cruz :D

if u truly love someone, you want what is TRULY best for him/her

being dependent on the gov is NOT what is best... What the gov gives, it can take away... and it DOES... Trust me, i know what i am talking about

even people NOT dependent on the gov have todeal w/ the gov taking things from them (property)

the gov is too big and powerful. If you are not scared by that... maybe you just havn't been targeted by the gov yet...

You will be...

Vote for Ted Cruz

The Horn

Republicanchick, you have unfortunately drunk the Ted Cruz Kool-Aid . Cruz doesn't want "smaller government" or "limited government ". He wants the government in everybody's bedroom and in women reproductive organs .
He tells gullible conservatives what they want to hear but he's nothing but a snake in the grass and a wolf in sheep's clothing . Actually, it's an insult to th at noble creature to call hima wolf .
How can you trust soemone who is so narrow-minded and intolerant he thinks gay prode parades should be illegal ? Sheesh !
Ted Cruz is theworst of the worst and you might as well vote for Hitler !


New member
I don't read The Horn

he puts Kool Aid in that horn..

bad tasting stuff, but he doesn't care... he likes ickyness, apparently

one of those who calls evil good and good evil...

