If you can't say anything nice about the dead...


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If you can't say anything nice about the dead...

This is the show from Monday, October 15th, 2012.


* Speaking of Alren Specter:

Anatomy of a Pro-choice Nat'l RTL Candidate: (source ProlifeProfiles.com/NRTL#Specter) Arlen Specter is an example of the fruit of NRTL. Pro-lifers around the country have been emailing documentation to our research team of NRTL's endorsement of pro-abortion candidates. In one tragic case, pro-lifers give their hard-earned money and NRTL uses it to elect many politicians, like Arlen Specter, who support the intentional killing of innocent children. In a single year NRTL spent more than $12,000 campaigning for Pennsylvania's Specter. The Scriptures ask, "Can a man take fire to his bosom and... not be burned?" NRTL's backfiring political calculations were summed up by this 2008 headline: "Republican Senator Specter Endorses Barack Obama." A year later Specter switched party affiliation to return to his Democratic roots and give the openly pro-abortion Democratic party a super majority. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit, and everyone can see the spectre of NRTL's influence. Moral relativism cannot be controlled. When NRTL endorses child-killing politicians, even church leaders get confused and the paramount moral issue is relegated to a second-tier negotiable calculation. Eventually, the confusion that flows from NRTL leads millions of otherwise "pro-life" churchgoers to decide for themselves which "pro-choice" politicians they will support, and for example, 42 percent of "all born again adults" voted for Barack Obama. If NRTL can elect pro-aborts out of misguided calculations, then so can the church-going masses. Instead, America needs pro-life organizations that show principled leadership and demonstrate that no person who knows right from wrong should support any candidate who would intentionally kill even a single innocent child. No one but God knows what kind of America we would be enjoying today if "pro-life" leadership in America had committed, above all else, to honor God's enduring command, Do not murder.

* Trying to Stay on the Air: Reaching our $30,000 goal will help keep Bob Enyart Live on the air! Please help!

* Global Warming Ended 16 Years Ago: The UK's National Weather Service, the Met Office, released global weather data that shows that the slight 16-year warming trend from 1981 to 1997 has now been followed by 16 years of cooling. So as Britain's Daily Mail sees it, "Global warming stopped 16 years ago." For more, see KGOV.com/warming.

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