If the woman has a "right" to choose, the government of China has a greater one


If the woman has a "right" to choose, the government of China has a greater one

A series of reflections:

Reflection 1: And even if they didn't, what right have they got to murder my baby? What right have they got to decide who lives and who dies" (America, speaking out against the Judges; from the "America" series of the Judge Dredd Comic). The cri de ceour, of course, against the overreaching claims of totalitarian regimes on the human person; do we not hear the same protest against the conceit of the Chinese, with their "one child policy"? But I turn this question on the liberals themselves, on the individual woman: "What right have you?"

Reflection 2: Spoken in a different way: the liberal cannot tell me in the same breath that the State has no claim of right over the life of the unborn, and then tell me that the mother has that very right. The right of the State is greater, if any such right exists at all.

Reflection 3: If the individual woman has the right to slay her unborn child, then the State has the same right in an even greater sense. For the women is related to the political society as a part to a whole, and the demands and rights of the State are more powerful, more lordly and more authortative. The good of the whole is greater than the good of a part.

The State does not have such a right? Then neither does the individual woman.

Telling me about the decisions of the supreme court doesn't really affect my argument.

But you cannot, in one and the same breath, tell me that a woman has such a right, and then go on to criticize the State for exercising that same "right" (e.g., forced abortions in China), when, in fact, the State seeks to serve a greater good/interest in so doing, and does so from a higher and more authoritative perspective.

So, returning back to the comic: if ANYONE has a right to slay an unborn child (I say, in answer to America in the comics), the Judges (speaking in terms of the original comic book that inspired these comments) or the State (in terms of the real world) do. If they don't, then NOBODY does.

Reflection 4: The woman, insofar as a material individual, is a mere part of the political society. As such, the good of the entire society is greater than her good. If she has a "right" to abortion to preserve her own good, then the State has a "right" to force her to commit an abortion for its own good, which is far greater.

Consider the claims that each makes:

The individual woman: I abort this child because this infringes on my own good. I can't afford this baby. I am not prepared to raise it. This will seriously infringe on my own future quality of life. I might even die in childbirth.

The State: if we permit people to have as many children as they like, here are the consequences for the whole society. Here are the various catastrophes which "overpopulation" spells for our society. This woman, insofar as about to have a child in such and such circumstances, is an instantiation of circumstances which threaten the total societal good, -including her own.-

Who has the greater claim?

Therefore, I repeat:

Either the State has a greater right, or else, the woman has none.

The moment that the woman objects against the State, "what right do you have to decide who lives or dies," that is the very moment I answer her: "None, and neither do you."




1. China has the authority to force a woman to have an abortion.


2. The woman does not have a right to abort her unborn child for any reason.

The Horn

China is nothing like other countries when it comes to abortion . Its brutal totalitarian government forces many women to have abortions against their will . No other country has a one child policy .
But in America , no one forces women to have them. They do so of their own free will and because of their own personal problems .
Planned Parenthood does not round up pregnant women and force them to have abortions . It doesn't even force any woman to visit it for any reason .(And abortions are only about 3 % of what it offers ).
A four week old fetus is NOT a "baby ". Nor are a couple of fertilized cells . Abortion has been very common all over the world for thousands of years and will always happen . No government has ever been able to stop or even control it by making it illegal .
I know, anti-choicers say laws against murder don't stop murder, but laws against murdering a BORN person are enforceable, unlike laws against abortion .
Fact : Every time a country has made abortion illegal after it had been legal , the abortion rate has INCREASED markedly, as well as thenumber of poor women dying from botched illegal abortions .
The only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies . This is a higholy desirable goal, but more easily said than done .


And Horn, you have completely failed to directly respond to the reasoning I've provided in the OP. Congrats.


New member
A se
The moment that the woman objects against the State, "what right do you have to decide who lives or dies," that is the very moment I answer her: "None, and neither do you."

interesting. But the libs will just say Hey, the state doesn't have to go through painful childbirth

of course, abortion is painful also and often lead to death, which is covered up by the abortionist and the media ..


The Horn

Republicanchick , abortion is fatal only on very rare occaisions . That is, when it's legal . However, thousands of poor women die every year in poor countries where it's illegal ,also due to the lack of contraceptives .
In America , a woman has a greater chance of accidentally drowning while taking a bath than dying from an abortion . Think of that the next time you relax in the tub . Before Roe v Wade, an enormous number of poor women died from botched illegal abortions , but it was all kept hushed up . Newspapers never printed stories about these unfortunate women .


Hall of Fame
Republicanchick , abortion is fatal only on very rare occaisions . That is, when it's legal .

Wrong ... abortion is 100% fatal every time it's performed.

However, thousands of poor women die every year in poor countries where it's illegal ,also due to the lack of contraceptives .

Being poor is not an excuse to intentionally kill another person.

In America , a woman has a greater chance of accidentally drowning while taking a bath than dying from an abortion .

Only because they are legal and done under medical supervision. That needs to stop.

Think of that the next time you relax in the tub . Before Roe v Wade, an enormous number of poor women died from botched illegal abortions , but it was all kept hushed up . Newspapers never printed stories about these unfortunate women .

What would you have the headlines say?

"Incredibly selfish and stupid woman dies while trying to self-abort her unborn baby."
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Republicanchick , abortion is fatal only on very rare occaisions . That is, when it's legal . However, thousands of poor women die every year in poor countries where it's illegal ,also due to the lack of contraceptives .
In America , a woman has a greater chance of accidentally drowning while taking a bath than dying from an abortion . Think of that the next time you relax in the tub . Before Roe v Wade, an enormous number of poor women died from botched illegal abortions , but it was all kept hushed up . Newspapers never printed stories about these unfortunate women .

Why are you so bent on completely ignoring the arguments of the OP? Should I take this as a concession that you have none of your own to address it?

The Barbarian

It's the best possible form of government, with due adaptations, of course

The Chinese Communist Party agrees:
The very idea of a party that represents part of the population also has negative overtones. Confucius criticised quarrelsome people who associate along party lines, and surveys in China show a preference for “guardianship discourse” with elites responsible for the good of the whole society.

The Horn

Abortion isn't "selfish " when if a women actually gave birth and the child grew up hungry,malnourished, poorly housed, without medical care and education etc. This is why women have abortions .
What IS selfish is anti-choicers demanding that every pregnant woman give birth even if too poor to provide for a child or a pregnancy would kill her or ruin her health . This shows absolutely NO REGARD for unfortunate women and their children .
Anti-choicers concern for the unborn invariably ends at birth . After that, it's "youre on your own kid . You've been born and if you starve, tough noogies . At least you weren't aborted ".


1. :idunno:

Is that really the position that you want to take, though? Because think out its consequences. That means that the State really does have a right over life and death, even greater than that of the woman's. Therefore, it can command abortion when she wants to keep the baby, and it can command her to keep the baby when she wants an abortion.

Which is, I assume, the conclusion opposite to the one that you want.


Is that really the position that you want to take, though? Because think out its consequences. That means that the State really does have a right over life and death, even greater than that of the woman's. Therefore, it can command abortion when she wants to keep the baby, and it can command her to keep the baby when she wants an abortion.

Which is, I assume, the conclusion opposite to the one that you want.

Might enforces "right".

Sure, any state could become legalistic; we could be held hostage to the whims of a tryrant/theocrat...which would hold, far and wide, many ramifications beyond mere abortion.

As it stands....we don't live in under the threat of such rule. You haven't made the case otherwise.


Hall of Fame
Abortion isn't "selfish "

Of course it is.

when if a women actually gave birth and the child grew up hungry,malnourished, poorly housed, without medical care and education etc. This is why women have abortions .

No, it's not. It is because they flat out do not want the responsibility that goes with bringing a child into this world. Outside of carrying the child for a short time (as compared to their life span), they are able to give the child up to someone who is actually worthy of being a parent.

What IS selfish is anti-choicers demanding that every pregnant woman give birth even if too poor to provide for a child or a pregnancy would kill her or ruin her health . This shows absolutely NO REGARD for unfortunate women and their children .

OR it shows that you have no argument since *poor women* is always your fallback explanation. Abortion is about imposing the killing on a defenseless child while still in the womb. Why do you devalue the children of poor mothers as compared to those who are not poor? Since you keep bringing up monetary value, that is the only conclusion that can be drawn.

Anti-choicers concern for the unborn invariably ends at birth . After that, it's "youre on your own kid . You've been born and if you starve, tough noogies . At least you weren't aborted ".

Don't ever presume that your pro-abortion mentality makes you the authority to speak for me ... or others.

We both know that if pregnant women were given given shelter, clothing and medical care that was either free or affordable, you would still rally for their right to kill their unborn baby. So again, why do you insist on putting a monetary value on the lives of children based on their parent's income?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame


1. China has the authority to force a woman to have an abortion.


2. The woman does not have a right to abort her unborn child for any reason.

This is the problem created by ever saying "choice". No woman has the choice to murder her child. The child is a person in early development. Nobody can murder it.