If election held today, I would vote for this candidate


New member
the lib name-calling continues unabated...

Did we expect anything else?

Never expect anything much from a lib... If you have a habit of doing that.. you will be perpetually disappointed



New member
the lib name-calling continues unabated...

Did we expect anything else?

Never expect anything much from a lib... If you have a habit of doing that.. you will be perpetually disappointed

How is pointing out that a candidate has no respect for the establishment clause of the first amendment name calling or adding nothing to the conversation? Name calling would be calling him loony tunes. I'm pointing out a simple fact about the candidate.

You may not like the first amendment or the establishment clause found therein, but that doesn't mean it's name calling to bring it up. Many people still care deeply about their first amendment rights. I'm one of them.


New member
How is pointing out that a candidate has no respect for the establishment clause of the first amendment name calling or adding nothing to the conversation? Name calling would be calling him loony tunes. I'm pointing out a simple fact about the candidate.

You may not like the first amendment or the establishment clause found therein, but that doesn't mean it's name calling to bring it up. Many people still care deeply about their first amendment rights. I'm one of them.

typical lib cow mess

when u coherently present some kind of actual argument, I will present my side

in the meantime, get lost



New member
typical lib cow mess

when u coherently present some kind of actual argument, I will present my side

in the meantime, get lost

You think the constitution of these United States of America is "lib cow mess"? I think I'm beginning to understand you. Are you a theocrat? Do you think the bible supersedes US law and the constitution?


If you were apprehended and held on charges of being a Christian

would there be enough evidence to indict you?

Instead of responding to my actual post, you chose to change the subject to condemning my belief system.

I am a Christian. That means I see the definitive disclosure of God in Jesus of Nazareth.

My Jesus stands up for the destitute and the marginalized.
My Jesus does not judge others.
My Jesus says "Why call me good? Only God is good."
My Jesus' God plays no favorites.
My Jesus says to shut the door behind you and pray to God in secret.
My Jesus has me focus on the logs in my own eye before pointing out the specks of sawdust in my neighbor's.
My Jesus asks "Who made me a judge?"

Where do you find your God and why?


Well-known member


New member
So can a sane conservative around here point me to a RATIONAL Republican candidate?

The more I read and hear about the pool of candidates, the more it seems like the Republicans are trying to just hand the election to the Democratic Party and say "Sort this out amongst yourselves."

The closest to rational I've seen is Rand Paul, and he's more of a "broken clock is right twice a day" candidate.

"Ted Cruz: Smartest candidate".

Epic fail.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Trust Eddie:

So can a sane conservative around here point me to a RATIONAL Republican candidate?

The more I read and hear about the pool of candidates, the more it seems like the Republicans are trying to just hand the election to the Democratic Party and say "Sort this out amongst yourselves."

The closest to rational I've seen is Rand Paul, and he's more of a "broken clock is right twice a day" candidate.

"Ted Cruz: Smartest candidate".

Epic fail.
Your opinion doesn't surprise me.


New member
Your opinion doesn't surprise me.

And yet you apparently have no real response to it.

The Republican candidates continue to plow toward the cliff at the extreme end of the conservative side of the spectrum, all of them apparently fighting for the votes of the lunatic fringe.

Meanwhile alienating more and more rational conservative voters who are looking for a candidate who will do something besides spout hatred and abject stupidity.