If a man calling himself a woman makes him a woman...


Well-known member
...was this a fair woman-on-woman bout?


“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor,” she stated. “I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. ”

Bumping an old topic to remind ourselves of the door that's being opened.



New member
Hall of Fame
Can I declare myself a Billionaire? I could use some cash.

Sure you can be anything you want to be these days truth or not.



Hall of Fame
Also applicable to "if a man calling himself a woman makes him a woman":

The Federalist: If Rachel Dolezal isn't Black, how is Caitlyn Jenner a Woman?

Seriously, neither of these people deserve all of the recognition they are receiving.


Well-known member
Seriously, neither of these people deserve all of the recognition they are receiving.

I respectfully disagree. They're handy barometers of how rapidly society is coming apart...both simply as what they are, but more for how loudly they're being championed as heroes in the media. It behooves us to at least try to be aware of what's going on around us (imo).


New member
I'm thinking of declaring myself "The Dowager Empress"!
Anybody got a problem with that? :king:

Not me, dear Bybee! But this reminds me that generally we show true strands and not false parts, many of us may not even know what it is like to try be on stage as something we put on like an outfit...

I bet you would make a fine empress and have probably had to be like one more than a few times in life