I saw

Gary K

New member
A thread with a lot of people mad at Trump. To tell the truth I wasn't too surprised as most people here don't do a lot of research, they just jump to conclusions.

1. An investigation into an organization as large and powerful as the deep state and the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, central banks, pedophile rings, etc... takes a long time to mature and bring to trial in a way that will not allow it to resurrect itself after convictions. Anyone who thinks convicting a Clinton or two, or Obama, or Comey and maybe McCabe would put an end to the massive corruption going on in the US government over the last 8-10 decades is an idiot. Plain and simple. They have not thought this out in any depth at all. Do you really think the general public is aware enough of what has been done to this country to actually believe it if hundreds of the elites start getting perp walked for all their crimes? There is a lot of education of the general public that must go on in addition to the investigations. The ignorance is so deep it's amazing. The kids marching this weekend swore up and down they wanted to get rid of "assault weapons" but had no idea what an assualt weapon actually is. The indoctrination/brain_washing that has been done for the last few generations is incredible.

2. There is another side to the spending bill Trump signed. It seems not too many people understand the situation. Congress passed an Omnibus bill. That is not the same as a normal budget bill. And, Trump has invoked a National Emergency dealing with corruption and human trafficking. Plus he has enabled a balanced spending act from back in the 80's. These things give him the power to do things that he normally could not do.

Here is a quote from a post on the qresearch board from 8chan. There is a link at the top of the quote to the original Twitter thread by the guy who originally did the research. I would encourage you to read the original Twitter posts and the entire conversation there. This guy is not the only one talking about this.
[ Reference: John Salisbury https://twitter.com/5Strat/status/977677766668636160 ]

Let's talk about what the President can and can't do for this Omnibus Bill. There's a lot of discussion both ways so let's examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:
1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.
2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don't spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it's spent legally. That's their job to monitor with oversight.
3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn't.
4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he's invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
5. This opens up new options.
6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn't deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.
7. Also, these declarations make some funds fungible. For instance if he determines that building a Wall on the Southern Border is a defense against Human Trafficking? He can move funds from anywhere else in the Defense Dept. Allocation & simply build the Wall.
8. Congress is powerless to stop cash reallocations on an omnibus bill AND cannot stop the DOD from taking measures under a declared Emergency.
9. Despite their language in the Omnibus Bill about the Border Wall, it is trumped by the State of Emergency that Trump declared.
10. So in summary - This will go to the Courts. Congress will sue the President over the Border Wall. But here's how it will play out - Congress and the President are co-equal branches with different functions. Congress allocates. The President spends.
11.The President has National Security as his Primary Responsibility and it's his job to use whatever funds and declarations he needs to for that job. No Court in this Nation (except corrupt on the take Judges) would EVER rule against a President for exercising that authority.
John. You've really done your homework on this one. Thanks for the REASSURANCE. Maybe I OVERREACTED. My mind is at ease.
We all did. I was very upset till I saw the moves he was making under the table. I've worked for Government for 30 years and I've never seen ANYONE making the moves he's making right now. He's a Genius.

Gary K

New member
In my opening post on this thread I said Trump would be using a couple of tools to reduce spending that was passed in the Omnibus spending bill. Most people didn't comment on that so I guess most people didn't believe me. In the article below is the proof of what I said would happen. The article I quoted can be found at the following link: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2018...ackage-rescind-spending-1-3-trillion-omnibus/

Trump is a genius at figuring out how to work around the deep state, the democrats, and the rino republicans. He let them pass what they wanted and now will cut spending on his own using legal methods. All that pork, like Schumer's tunnel, is going bye-bye. Good for Trump. He's doing what the country needs, not what the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats want.
On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Trump administration officials were “planning” to rescind some of the $1.3 trillion spending bill passed by Congress.
Kudlow said, “There’s planning in the White House. My friend OMB director Mick Mulvaney, I’m an ex-OMB guy, I feel his pain. We are looking at an enhanced rescission package. I’m not going to use numbers. This is all around town.”
He continued, “I think the Republican Party on the Hill has finally figured out it’s really not a bad idea to trim some spending because after all spending can lead to deficits, and spending interferes with the economy, and President Trump is a deregulator and a tax cutter. We want and much more modest government role.”

The Horn

Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats the right loves to hate haven't committed any crimes .
Trump is without a doubt the most corrupt and incompetent president in US history. None of the previous 44 comes even remotely close .
The man is nothing but a fraud and a con man and his election was based on massive fraud by his associates and the Republican party . The list of Trump misdeeds as president is enormous and even longer when you consider his entire business career is even longer . His entire life has been based on fraud, cheating, lying, corruption , and sexual misconduct . He is a pathological liar who is incapable of telling the truth about anything . Trump will do anything to get and keep power . This is why he is so dangerous and must be removed from office as soon as possible .

Gary K

New member
Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats the right loves to hate haven't committed any crimes .
Trump is without a doubt the most corrupt and incompetent president in US history. None of the previous 44 comes even remotely close .
The man is nothing but a fraud and a con man and his election was based on massive fraud by his associates and the Republican party . The list of Trump misdeeds as president is enormous and even longer when you consider his entire business career is even longer . His entire life has been based on fraud, cheating, lying, corruption , and sexual misconduct . He is a pathological liar who is incapable of telling the truth about anything . Trump will do anything to get and keep power . This is why he is so dangerous and must be removed from office as soon as possible .

Yeah, sure, cnn. In case you don't know what that means. You're fake news.


Well-known member
I thought you liked Trump.

Yes it's a weird relationship it is, like beaten wife syndrome staying loyal to their abusers knowing in the heart its wrong to support this system when it's getting more vile every minute, Praise the lawd and pass the ammunition their doing the lawds work since Columbus sailed the ocean blue now with a floating island of plastic progress the fruits of discovery has turned into a doctrinal nightmare coming home to roost, time to clip both right and left wings of that foul bird while they are still sound asleep.

The Barbarian

Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats the right loves to hate haven't committed any crimes.

That argument might work in a Constitutional nation... oh, wait, we are a constitutional nation.

That's why the right is having conniptions over it.


"Um, you first have to prove she broke the law. In court, with a jury and all."


"Yes, you're right; it is. That's how they're doing it. The Rule of Law is thwarting you at every turn.

The founders knew people like you would come along, and deliberately made it hard for you."


"Right. BTW, your sentencing has been delayed until you finish telling Mueller what you know. Good luck, and tell the truth."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Mad? No, concerned? Yes. I've seen plenty of how Trump has operated through the last twenty years and his first year in office has only underlined those concerns. He's the equivalent of a petty little kid in office, tweeting away like a teenager and causing concern around the world with his saber rattling nonsense for starters. He's not a politician, he's just a very rich man with a gargantuan ego and whilst it might have been refreshing to actually have a non politician in office for a change, this guy ain't the ticket.

patrick jane

That argument might work in a Constitutional nation... oh, wait, we are a constitutional nation.

That's why the right is having conniptions over it.


"Um, you first have to prove she broke the law. In court, with a jury and all."


"Yes, you're right; it is. That's how they're doing it. The Rule of Law is thwarting you at every turn.

The founders knew people like you would come along, and deliberately made it hard for you."


"Right. BTW, your sentencing has been delayed until you finish telling Mueller what you know. Good luck, and tell the truth."


The Barbarian

Barbarian puts the message in proper order:

That argument might work in a Constitutional nation... oh, wait, we are a constitutional nation.

That's why the right is having conniptions over it:


"Um, you first have to prove she broke the law. In court, with a jury and all."


"Yes, you're right; it is. That's how they're doing it. The Rule of Law is thwarting you at every turn.

The founders knew people like you would come along, and deliberately made it hard for you."


"Right. BTW, your sentencing has been delayed until you finish telling Mueller what you know. Good luck, and tell the truth."

There you go. I colored the important part in red for you.

patrick jane

Barbarian puts the message in proper order:

That argument might work in a Constitutional nation... oh, wait, we are a constitutional nation.

That's why the right is having conniptions over it:


"Um, you first have to prove she broke the law. In court, with a jury and all."


"Yes, you're right; it is. That's how they're doing it. The Rule of Law is thwarting you at every turn.

The founders knew people like you would come along, and deliberately made it hard for you."


"Right. BTW, your sentencing has been delayed until you finish telling Mueller what you know. Good luck, and tell the truth."

There you go. I colored the important part in red for you.
Same with Roy Moore and Trump. The part in red barb.

The Barbarian

Same with Roy Moore and Trump.

Yep. We'll need a conviction in a court of law, or an impeachment and conviction, as the case may be. Be patient; people are working on unsorting the mess out. So far, what we know is pretty much circumstantial, or in the case of Roy, past the statute of limitations.

But we'll see. Patience.