I Never Knew You:


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I Never Knew You!!

Luke 13:25-27 KJV – “I know you not whence ye are”. -----

The Lord knows no one but those who are in the Body of Christ the Church; those WHO ARE CHRISTIAN!! – NO ONE ELSE ( PERIOD ). – And YOU say that you know the Lord, and He knows you, - FOOL!!! - Only a FOOL would say he knows the Lord when he does not!!
If you know the Lord, do you not KNOW THE TRUTH, and do you not KNOW THE WORD!! And if you know the WORD of TRUTH, you SEE THE TRUTH, and if you SEE THE TRUTH / THE WORD, YOU SEE HIM WHO IS THE TRUTH FACE TO FACE, AND YOU –( HEAR HIM )-.
How do ALL who are in the Truth / The Body of Christ, know all others who are in the Truth / The Body of Christ!! --- BECAUSE THERE ARE NO DIVISIONS AMONG THEM AND THE LORD; THEY ARE ALL ONE ( TOGETHER )!!
Just because all you geniuses and scholars say you know Jesus, doesn’t mean that YOU DO, or that Jesus KNOWS YOU!!
Hebrews 8:11 KJV – “They shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, ( Know the Lord ) -( For “ALL” shall know me, from the ( least to the greatest )-!!!! -------- How can that be!! --- If a Christian, or a Prophet, or an Angel speaks a single Word of Spiritual Truth, every single member of the Body of Christ hears and sees what is said at the same time everywhere!! – There is no need for FOOLS such as Jimmy Swaggart or John Hagee to BEG for money to get the Message out. - All have heard the Message and don’t care about the Message of the Gospel.- There is no one who cares about the Gospel to just preach the Truth for ALL WHO ARE OF CHRIST, or of FAITH to hear it at the same time everywhere!!! – There is NO DISTANCE BETWEEN ANY MEMBER OF THE BODY. – Every member of the Body of Christ knows every other member of the Body without exception. - They are ALL Brothers in Christ. -- How DARE ANYONE SAY THAT THEY KNOW NOT THEIR OWN BROTHER!! – If one knows not his own brother in Christ, how can he know his Father!! - The FOOL DOES NOT KNOW EITHER!! – If one knows the “TRUTH”, how can he not know all / “ALL” his fellow members of the BODY OF CHRIST, and every other Member knows him!! – FOOLS; - You know nothing of the Truth if you know not your own Brothers!! ------ I know EVERY BROTHER WHO IS, AND EVER WAS, AND EVER WILL BE, because they ARE MY BROTHERS, and Children of MY FATHER, AND I KNOW THE FATHER ALSO!!

Only a LIAR AND A FOOL will say he knows the Father, and knows not “EVERY BROTHER”!!
Most of you fools don’t even know the members of your own group of fools you call your church. - How then could any of you know your father, except it be the Devil!! – All the Lost know the Devil and all his children. -- You call them all your brothers; not even knowing them; - FOOLS!!
Your enemy is the Truth, and the ONLY WAY any of you can COMBAT THE TRUTH, is with your nonsense and foolishness!! - None of you can use the Truth / The Sword of God to combat your enemy / “ME”. -- You must use all your stupidity and foolishness, like all haters of Christ and of the Truth must do.

Paul – 120411