I made a mistake RE who is on Top 10 List of R candidates


New member
Wow, how could i have forgotten Rubio?

I also seem to have forgotten Rand Paul

and I also forgot Jindal

So someone is going to have to exit my original list

I hate to take Trump off b/c he speaks his mind and he is right about "everything" so far... I just would like to know more about his past, etc... So i will remove him and put Rubio's name on the list. I had forgotten him merely b/c he has not been in the news lately, not the news i have been seeing.

Also, i didn't like the way he worded his opposition to Ocare, saying he didn't THINK Ocare was good for America.. He doesn't THINK it is?

that sounds political.. like "Well, i don't want Ocare but i can't come out too strongly against it or i might lose the D vote..."

not crazy about Paul b/c he does not seem like Commander-in-Chief material... but i am willing to hear him out

OK, so here is my REVISED list, this time in order, with my first choice @ Number One position (List subject to change when more info obtained)

  1. Cruz
  2. Perry
  3. Carson
  4. Santorum
  5. Christie
  6. Fiorina
  7. Huckabee
  8. Rubio
  9. Kasich
  10. Jindal

the order of the last 4 or 5 is NOT set in stone.. I couldn't choose between them. I need to know more about them. We need to know more about all of them.

I'm also not sure of the order of Carson and Perry, but they're at the top, so...




New member
If I'm not mistaken Trump is like 2 or 3 on the national list

can't say i am disappointed

But i think Cruz or Carson or Perry is a better choice..

Trump would make an excellent commander in chief, though... I laugh when i think of what HE would say at such events as... the "Iran Negotiations" so called...

yeh, that makes me


"What?! You Iranians won't allow surprise inspections???!! I will SUE you! You think you have sanctions now, you... you.... "



New member
i liked Lindsey Graham... still kind of do

but he is apparntly not going to join w/ others to fight the same sex "marriage" thing...

just soemthing i heard while distracted... but i believe that is the case. I mean, i don't think any one asked him to devote his whole career to that issue or anything

Maybe i should revise once again? I am partial to Catholics, not just b/c i am one but... oh well... it's a LONG story... and noncatholics would just get all in a snit and etc...




New member
i have to revise my Debate list












Christie moved down b/c of that HUG with the pres... It never really got to me until i thought about this:

Can you IMAGINE Cruz doing that????

yeh.... puts things in perspective..

Can you imagine Jindal doing the hug w/ the pres?

Perry moved down b/c he criticized Trump... without really agreeing with him @ the same time RE the truth about immigration.. Trump didn't say anything that was NOT TRUE. His wording could have been better, but ALL of us could say that about ALL of the caniddates AND about ourselves... that we could word things better..so

Big deal RE the wording. The words he chose did not detract from the TRUTH he spoke... but then, i have learned that most people don't REALLY care about the truth as much as they would have u think...



New member
  • Cruz
  • Jindal
  • Santorum
  • Carson
  • Fiorina
  • Perry
  • Rubio
  • Huckabee
  • Kasich
  • Christie
  • Trump

There, he is now at the end of my list... But you know... Trump being married/divorced several times... at least half of adult Americans (over the age of .. say 45) would be able to relate quite well with him... couldn't throw stones... etc..



New member
I changed my list again. I feel Trump is more honest than Perry. Then again, i don't know as much as i would like about Trump. Perry is dishonest b/c he acts like Trump LIED about the illegals... not hardly. Trump is telling the truth,

and the rinos are out in force against it..

  • Cruz
  • Jindal
  • Santorum
  • Carson
  • Fiorina
  • Trump
  • Rubio
  • Huckabee
  • Kasich
  • Christie
  • Perry


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I really do like jindal
he doesn't stand a chance
I would vote for perry
I was limited to your list


New member
OK, i would put Huckabee over Trump, as i know H is a Christian and seemingly a very good one...

I will re do the list later.. hopefully when more info comes to me..



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
sorry to sound rude but i find it rather absurd to say that Jindal doesn't have a chance..

i have no idea why you think that


just look at the polls
I really enjoy fox news 'center seat'
so far I have seen


jindal was the best
carly second so far
perry came across as being calm
almost too calm
you get the impression he is going to think before saying something


New member
just look at the polls
I really enjoy fox news 'center seat'
so far I have seen


jindal was the best
carly second so far
perry came across as being calm
almost too calm
you get the impression he is going to think before saying something

his entry into the race speech was g reat... but this is waht bothers me... I'll take your word that he speaks slowly... I like reading the closed captions so i don't know about that. But let's just say that is one thing i like about Christie and others... He doesn't talk slowly, as though he is thinking too carefully about what to say... a sure sign (usually, not always) of dishonesty or politi-speech (as it were)

what bothers me is that he said Trump painted w/ a wide brush... On hannity, he said that Trump said all Mexicans... but Trump did NOT say all Mexicans are losers... True, he painted w/ a wide brush AT FIRST, but CORRECTED himself in the same paragraph... saying that not all of them are bad... and Perry didn't seem to want to give him credit for that. That doesn't seem overly honest to me... but i guess... I am not going to focus on that too much, not going to throw Perry out yet... b/c sometimes people just don't filter things very welll... etc..
