I just wrote my first theological journal article. Next step?


New member
I could use some advice.
I just finished my first draft of my first theological journal article. Since I have never done anything like this before, I need some advice on the next step.
I think I need someone who knows New Testament Greek and who has published their own journal article to review/edit/critique it before I sent it off the the publisher.
So, my question is: 1. Is that the next step and 2. where do I find such a person?

Background information:
1. article title: A word-frequency study of Matthew 19:9 in all available Greek New Testament Manuscripts.
2. I'm just a Deacon - I move chairs around, lol. I don't have any 'formal theology education' - no degrees in Theology - just a keen interest and entirely self-taught.
3. I have already selected my 'preferred journal publisher' and I have a copy of their 'Instruction for Authors' and I've followed their guidelines.
4. Even in book publishing, there are several levels of editing. I know that there are book editors for hire. Do these same people edit journal articles too? I've never heard of editors that are that specialized - having a knowledge of New Testament Greek, and with a working knowledge of journals, I mean.
5. I already tried contacting a local College of Theology, but they were too busy (and I'm not a student).

If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.
Thank you in advance.
Robert Crawford


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't know what you're waiting for. Just send it to the publisher you've already identified. They have editors. They also obviously know what they could sell and what wouldn't sell.