I have a new theory of evolution I'd like to share with the group

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I studied at The Theosophical Society and The Saint Germain Foundation for many years before having what I consider to be an epiphany. Since then I have been engaging others on the internet in the hopes that I might gain recognition for my work.

I think that I scientifically discovered a higher kingdom which is the same kingdom of God that Christ taught us about. I purified my life the best I could in an effort to gain what the Eastern Raja Yoga describes as liberation from rebirth and what Buddhism refers to as Enlightenment.

I was eager to learn more about these teachings and the two organizations that contained many hours of relevant study material offered great insight. Upon discovering that the theosophical seven race theory describes the process of evolution on earth as descent of the human through an animal kingdom which is simultaneously ascended in order for us to obtain physical bodies, my whole life changed. The descent of humans occurred long ago and the 5th human race (it takes 3 for the descent, one with no higher kingdom present and then our human ascent with the help of a girasas kingdom occurs) is now underway with Adam needed for this race to have a starting point. Each race buries its attained form to be used as a starting point during the next cycle or round. Likewise, in the last round our 5th race buried a shista which was to be drawn forth at an established time. When Adam was needed at the race's beginning or creation, Adam was uncovered from its secret resting place (since the last round occurred with water as a basis) and breathed into. The 4th round, our present round, occurs on earth with the three previous rounds consisting of a fiery state, an airy existence, life within water, and now our life on land or earth. Three additional rounds are needed for human evolution to reach a point of advancement to the next kingdom, which I named girasas.

This girasas kingdom descends into our bodies and minds for three races, first some distance above us, then alongside us in body and midn, then we have been ascended into a condition hovering above the girasas kingdom, which has regained a form for themselves.

The cycle of descent and ascent is given as occurring on 7 globes for 7 rounds and each kingdom operates the same way so that animals perform this too with a descent through plants and an ascent by humans for movement off the earth. Since animals have previously been ascended by humans, you may wonder what we have living with us here on earth. The theosophical explanation is that angelic beings accompany the evolving kingdoms and compose their habitats as directed to by the kingdom itself. It was the humans on their descent into animals that worked existing animals into form as the animals around us exhibit a complete range of characteristics and the animals (evolving) that were ascended are still at their midpoint in their growth from animal into human as are we humans at our midpoint in growth from human into girasas.

Unfortunately, the blessings that we receive from this kingdom will only continue for approx. 16 million years at which time we will be ascended off the earth with a future that involves re-engaging animals and descending through them until our bodies and worlds are created by our own efforts. This theory of evolution is lengthier than what is given in the Bible as we are told the Bible begins with the 5th race - a time when a girasas kingdom first makes itself known to humans. We are very fortunate to have the assistance of this magnificent kingdom - first told to us by Jesus Christ - and discovering this brought me back into the realm of Christian believers and worshipers.

The task I have of communicating this theory has been long and tedious at times. I will be glad of a formal publication and education of what I have discovered in these books. Thank you.
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New member
The theory teaches that humans go through all seven races so that they can evolve into girasas. And that it doesn't happen in just one round. It takes 7 rounds of which each round is through 7 globes. That is what it says in the book. Only after 49 globe periods does a human actually become a girasas. Yet, on earth at this time, it is possible that a girasas can be so active in your life that you would tend to identify with what it does and lives like rather than like humans. The girasas are without birth and death and are currently immortal. Only when they obtain bodies do they have to live and die.


New member
I don't know why my first reply to you was lost. I will try to answer again.

I read about the 7 races in theosophy, but did not understand completely in the way that I do now. The hints we were given was that the 2nd and 6th races are androgynous which means half male and half female. We are also told (in THE SECRET DOCTRINE) that humans were initially (early races) animal like or part-animal.

I was sitting in the "I AM" Temple contemplating a picture of Archangel Michael when it occurred to me that the descent of the humans on the first half of the cycle could force animals off the earth and that the 4th point on this circle would be the lowest point or antapex on the circle where only one kingdom lived for a time and as the cycle continued, three races of human ascent in conjunction with life in a higher kingdom would occur.

We are told this is the 4th round, 5th race. Actually, the bulk of the discovery relates to this kingdom ascending the human for three races as I had always read that the human was the 7th in a chain of 7 kingdoms that go through this process and so I never really spent much time considering the next stage. I think that perhaps the girasas have progressed past the need to evolve through rounds and races and that the earth is like a nursery for these seven kingdoms and then we are more free to engage a more celestial existence after our days as humans are over.


New member
I don't just tell this idea to people who accept religion as their path or calling. I also tell this idea to scientists, atheists, and just about anyone who is engaging in the debate. Things can get pretty offensive elsewhere, so why not here too?

Nathon Detroit

I don't just tell this idea to people who accept religion as their path or calling. I also tell this idea to scientists, atheists, and just about anyone who is engaging in the debate. Things can get pretty offensive elsewhere, so why not here too?
And how do the scientists react when you tell them about this?


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Why am I not surprised this poster is from Los Angeles, otherwise known as Lala land.


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There are too many of them to say. Certainly you can see for yourself by searching: girasas .

EvC Forum is one place and since I can't link yet, I just have to list scienceblogs, Jason Rosenhouse, is another. I'm on Facebook, LinkedIn, MyFoxLA, etc. My webpage was getting 50 hits per month last year at this time and is now getting 100 per month.

Nathon Detroit

There are too many of them to say. Certainly you can see for yourself by searching: girasas .

EvC Forum is one place and since I can't link yet, I just have to list scienceblogs, Jason Rosenhouse, is another. I'm on Facebook, LinkedIn, MyFoxLA, etc. My webpage was getting 50 hits per month last year at this time and is now getting 100 per month.
Just give me a general "feel" for what they say about your discovery/theory.


New member
No. How would you feel if you had dedicated your life to academic excellence and allowed a "nobody" to one up you due to a lack of scholarship on the part of the community? Who should be responsible for studying and knowing THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Journalists reviewed it and dismissed it. They never got the secret out of it. Why should the population of earth be concerned with information that is "told" to us? We don't even recognize another type of life that exists within this realm. FIRST, make a case for the girasas kingdom. THEN, see what we can find out from them and get them to do for us.

I can direct you to an amazing article by Carter Phipps in EnlightenNext magazine, called "The REAL Evolution Debate" published in the Jan-Mar, 2007 issue of the magazine (when it was still called What is Enlightenment?) If you read Category #9 you will find what is commonly represented as a theosophical view, minus many of the features that my work and writings have introduced to the view.

Nathon Detroit

No. How would you feel if you had dedicated your life to academic excellence and allowed a "nobody" to one up you due to a lack of scholarship on the part of the community?
Translation: everywhere I go people laugh at me when I tell them about my "discovery".

:think: Hmmm... I wonder why?


New member
Because of a certain degree of neglect and negligence or even malpractice on the part of newspapers and journalists, you aren't given the privilege of finding out about this theory through proper channels.

You have to hear it face to face or one on one with the person who discovered it for herself after many years of reading, study, and practice. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to expect me to get the word out one by one.

What is there to laugh about? Many, many people missed a nice sound presentation of evolution that was written about with a few blinds. (Actually, HPB intended that someone would come in the last quarter of the next (20th) century and reopen the subject of theosophy and evolution.) It was all set up with just this prophecy for a messenger to finish the work she started. I was waiting right alongside all of the other people, anxious to see what her messenger would be like. Little did I expect it would be me assuming the position.


New member
What girasas are the best girasas? The ones from Africa Or Somalian, The Middle East or Afghan, The Far Eastern or Chinese, The South American or Colombian, Western European or French, Eastern European or Russian or Mexican/American (homegrown). From what I have observed we do not know exactly what we will tern into er evolve into by the use of these girasas. Are there really 49 stages of development or is it that we don't really don't care after the first stage?:smack:


Well-known member
Hi Brenda,
I believe that our manifestation and salvation is a process over time. Christ has come and gone through the entire process for us ... so that we can follow his example into the eternal kingdom.

However ... Your personal information states that you are a Christian and that would mean that you believe in the scriptures... so I have a question.

Why have you chosen to entertain this "new theory" that does not seem to line up with the word of God? There are many truths within our present scriptures for drawing some really great theories - theories that you can test as you discuss them with other believers.

Can you show me where your theory lines up with the word of God?
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