I Don't Vote


New member
I don't vote. I'm not one who doesn't vote because I'm uninformed or apathetic. I pay attention to what's going on. I read a lot, and I watch documentaries. I'm interested in all sorts of subjects. But I also don't bombard my mind with hours of talk radio or 24 hour news stations every day. I voted for President once, back in 2008, and voted on the 2010 midterms. I was 19 years old in 2008. Since then, I've grown up. I've gone out on my own. I've learned. My political and religious views have changed drastically since 2008.

One reason that I don't vote is that there is no meaningful difference in the 2 parties. This election has made that more clear than ever with Trump and Clinton holding virtually identical views on every significant issue, and ignoring the most important issues like virtually all politicians do. Even when politicians campaign on radically different platforms, major policies are never different. Taxes and spending stay high, military interventionism grows, the size and scope of government expands, civil liberties erode, and out currency becomes more worthless by the day. Nothing substantial changes when the party in power changes. Any differences between the parties are rhetorical. Even third parties like the Libertarian Party hold similar positions to the major parties on every meaningful issue.

Another reason is that voting doesn't matter. No matter who gets the most votes, the outcome can always be manipulated. Further, no one can be sure that the electronic voting machines weren't rigged. In the 2000 Presidential election, the 2012 Republican primary and the 2016 Democrat primary, we saw first hand that votes don't matter. There seems to be the "powers that be" who always seem to get the candidate they want. And if they don't, the other candidate will be just the same anyway.

I also reject the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils. Why should I lend my support to evil? Is it really the Christian thing to do to endorse any evil at all?

The power of government comes from the consent of the governed. Well, I don't give my consent for the government to control every aspect of our lives, to steal half of our income, to fund abortion, to invade other countries and kill civilians, to make people dependent on the welfare state, to ban guns or any other intrusion in our liberties. It is true that I will still be governed by these people whether I give my consent or not. I do follow their stupid laws because I don't want to be fined or go to jail. However, I can look in the mirror and know that I have not endorsed or consented to the wicked, authoritarian government.

This is my rant. I'm tired of people, especially other Christians, demanding that I vote for whichever wicked authoritarian they think will change anything for the better. The politicians are always telling us "next time" will be different, and it never it. Voters are in an abusive relationship with a husband called government that always promises they'll change if you give him just one more chance. How gullible can the people be? This is the condensed version of why I have vacated the vote. /rant.


Hall of Fame
This is my rant. I'm tired of people, especially other Christians, demanding that I vote for whichever wicked authoritarian they think will change anything for the better. The politicians are always telling us "next time" will be different, and it never it. Voters are in an abusive relationship with a husband called government that always promises they'll change if you give him just one more chance. How gullible can the people be? This is the condensed version of why I have vacated the vote. /rant.

:thumb: Ted Cruz (who isn't my favorite politician) was 100% correct when he stated: "vote your conscience"... which of course would include refusing to vote for either candidate.
I also reject the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils. Why should I lend my support to evil? Is it really the Christian thing to do to endorse any evil at all?

I respect and fully empathize with your stand, the preeminence of your Christian moral conscience as you believe led of God. I neither have confidence that any candidate is, truly, Godly and not simply engaging in rhetorical pandering, tickling ears: you know a politician is lying when his lips are moving. We all know this, who know anything. And a true Christian knows a true Christian.

But what I'd appreciate your opinion on is whether, if no vote at all, is a vote for a continuation of liberal policies that are known commodities of evil, that is, do you believe a vote for Hillary, by default, is moral? I'm truly asking, as I struggle with a tendency to hold my nose and vote, knowing, also, we're not a Theocracy, and believing my candidate, Daffy Duck, unlikely to be sworn in, having previously held to an understanding I'd also have settled for a baboon, have even stated here a baboon may throw food all over the place at state dinners and crap on the carpet in the Oval Office, but the damage would be limited to those areas. But, since we’ve not been presented the alternative of a baboon or Daffy, this is neither here or there.

Are you alright with voting for Hillary, by default? If so, why? (There is a justification I believe, beyond personal sanctimony, which is a reason, but isn’t the best reason, though I keep some things in reserve, some things I feel prohibited putting forth on message boards.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But what I'd appreciate your opinion on is whether, if no vote at all, is a vote for a continuation of liberal policies that are known commodities of evil, that is, do you believe a vote for Hillary, by default, is moral?

-why would you value the opinion of someone who doesn't care enough to do something about it
-why would you value the opinion of someone who doesn't care enough to do something about it

Because the gentleman cares about some things more I also care about. Because this is TOL, and a view involving the things of God, however rare, is appropriate, that you won't get, at all, on a TV talk show, the basis on which most people form their opinions. That is, people told what to think, what to believe, trained parrots, despite the obvious pattern of folly that is the world system.

I am interested in hearing from a spiritual man, for a change, without judging him. You have a problem with that?

Isaiah 55

6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.