I Am or I Am Not:


New member
As Brief as Possible, Necessary for Questions!! ----- Either God exists, or He does not exist. It can’t be lukewarm – IF there is Any Carnal Evidence that God does exist, - then He cannot exist. – There cannot be Any Carnal Evidence of anything that has ever been Carnal and Unseen, or Spiritual. It is either by Faith, or it’s a lie. if by Faith, then it is UNSEEN. Because Faith is the Evidence of things NOT SEEN, then Who has SEEN Jesus Christ and the Resurrection?? – That must remain Unseen except by FAITH, the only Evidence that Jesus ever was.
People see everything and have NO evidence of its existence. - There are NO Ghosts as defined by Mentally Twisted Ghost Hunters! - Horses and Swords and Guns and Clothing can’t become Ghostly, or Spiritual without a SOUL, except by Warped Minds. ------ All Religions think they Must have the ( Proof of God ), and there is No ( Sign or Proof ) in any way BUT the Scriptures! – Find Anything that exists that Proves anyone who Even Wrote the Scriptures ever existed. None of the writers even ever existed. – Daniel never really wrote anything of the Scriptures. There was no David or Solomon to build the Temple that was ( Never ) there. Moses never really existed to write of his own death. - Get anyone to Prove it. – There is NOT a Shred of Artifacts of any kind of anything of GOD’S existence, anywhere!! - But yet, all lies are grounded in trying to “PROVE GOD” with Carnal Talk from the carnal minded, or double minded Word / Truth haters, because the Word can’t Prove anything, IT must be believed. - Maybe not Understood, but one MUST have Faith in the Word of the Laws / God. - One either has Faith in what the Scriptures say or they don’t. - Lukewarm isn’t enough. ----- AND – All Laws are of God, Carnal Laws, and the Spiritual Laws. A Law cannot be broken, but can be altered by other Laws that apply to that point, and nowhere else will they apply, or cannot apply. – There is no Carnal Law that lasts over a Tiny Moment. – Every tiny movement of every tiny particle must have a Law to allow it to move that movement, and that Law is done. It takes another like Law to allow the next movement – OF every single tiny movement, of every tiny particle in the total Creation and ( ALL THOSE LAWS Are Who God Is )!!! – They Say Of Themselves, “I AM”. – You’ve heard something like: > The ( Law of Gravity “SAYS” ) that If you fall out of the tree, you will hit the Ground. --- Same here.

There are No Mysteries in the Scriptures that can’t be found by Meditation / “Thinking on those things”. – It works exactly as the Book says. – “Give yourself to reading the Book only; - until He comes or you Die. - Let that be your Number One thing, until you Can’t Read it any Longer without searching For ANYTHING. - Just plant the Word of God in your mind, Pure as the Tree that bore the Seed of the Gospel. – God Is the Word, and Jesus is the Parable of God and the Word in the Flesh for our Learning, Only!!! – As He said, “Learn of ME”. ---- THE Mystery is; -- HOW Did the Scriptures ever Get Written in the First Place, and by WHO???? -- Jesus is only a Parable, along with every other carnal thing given in the Scriptures. Even the Scriptures ARE COPIES – ONLY. - There are NO Original Copies of anything, Just Copies of the original of WHAT??? --- Prove it!!!! – How did all the Laws as one Law Reveal Itself to someone who did write the Originals??? – ((( What do the geniuses do with ))):>>-- Psalms 19:1-3 KJV – 1- “( The Heavens declare the Glory of God ); and ( The Firmament “Sheweth” his handywork ). 2- ( Day unto day uttereth speech ), and ( Night unto night Sheweth Knowledge. 3- (( There is no Speech nor Language, where their Voice is Not Heard ))!! -----//--- If that Inspired Word of God is Truth; -- Then WHAT Do ALL the Geniuses and God Scholars of Scripture Do with THAT?????? – They Ignore Truth; - that’s WHAT!!

If One feels the NEED to Know God, the ONLY “WAY”, is to Plant Him DEEP / “DEEP” in your Mind, Bury Him unleavened without anything outside of His House. ((( And He Will Resurrect the Truth in your mind from the “Dead Word” to the “Living Spirit of the Word” / Christ / Truth in you; - Revealing Itself to You without the need of Study any longer. I have not opened the Book yet for at least 2 or 3 years at all!! – I don’t need to. It happens just like He said it would. – But can anyone believe that?? - That’s what God said happens!!! – I Know!!! – It’s not ME, It’s HE, who is in ME Living. And They reject ME!! – NO!! – They can’t hurt or come near Me. they can do anything to the Body, but not ME; - Anyhow, - Have Faith:>>-- Matthew 25:40 KJV – 40- “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, (( Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My Brethren )), (( Ye have done it unto me ))”. -----///--- But one MUST BE His Brother first, and you can’t do that by False Doctrine. - READ THE BOOK ONLY!!!

God made Man, and his Brain to work from studying anything, especially studying the Word of God. ---- Take a Carpenter for instance. – A simple carpenter decides to grow in his profession. He studies EVERYTHING!! – He Reads all the new stuff coming out on building Stuff. – Two years later he wakes up in the middle of the night with a “BIG IDEA” for the design of the New Shopping Center in the City. – He presents his design / vision; - And Gets it NOT. The Contract went to a Genius who is a Scholar in the field, and was one of the drunk students with Money. – The Shopping Center Burned to the Dirt from poor design!! ---- Laws / God causes all things to Work and happen or not happen.

Paul – 050713


Eclectic Theosophist
Self-Existing ONE

Self-Existing ONE



I choose this positive affirmation of Life, Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, God-Identity, Being.


Om (A-U-M)


New member


I choose this positive affirmation of Life, Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, God-Identity, Being.


Om (A-U-M)

Now, -- the meaning of --- “I AM “ - Is the univers’al “US”. -- IF God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit / Ghost is / are; --- He / They are One, AS we are One, as “I AM’ One with THE’AM.

Paul – 050813


I wish I could actually digest your post. :think:

Dear my favourite punctuator,

Alas, it always has the feel of acupuncture when we lay our eyes upon your writing - I wish that I could receive a mild form of compunction and gratification while reading your fine and stylistic prose, however it always just needs to suffer expunction, the rest of us need to use some too - but you're depleting the reserves.

Your logic is another matter, that inevitably seems punctate. (At least when you're being punctual), all I ask is that you repunctuate.

Forgive our punctiliousness.


New member
I wish I could actually digest your post. :think:

Dear my favourite punctuator,

Alas, it always has the feel of acupuncture when we lay our eyes upon your writing - I wish that I could receive a mild form of compunction and gratification while reading your fine and stylistic prose, however it always just needs to suffer expunction, the rest of us need to use some too - but you're depleting the reserves.

Your logic is another matter, that inevitably seems punctate. (At least when you're being punctual), all I ask is that you repunctuate.

Forgive our punctiliousness.

Sorry!! - I don't do, by Listing to YOU!!! I don't care what you think; you're not one of Mine!!! - I FIGHT YOUR god!!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 050813


Eclectic Theosophist
Now, -- the meaning of --- “I AM “ - Is the univers’al “US”. -- IF God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit / Ghost is / are; --- He / They are One, AS we are One, as “I AM’ One with THE’AM.

Paul – 050813

'I AM' is singular, but includes all multiples of Itself :) - in that sense, there would seem to be a family of individual entities all sharing one universal MIND or consciousness. We extend in space and time as individual lifestreams from the Great Central Sun,...the Infinite I AM, who is the essence of pure being and consciousness. 'I Am' is the very nature, identity and essence of being itself, so is our true nature.

All that is, exists in the consciousness of the 'I Am', who is LIGHT. When the 'I Am' goes, nothing else is.



New member
'I AM' is singular, but includes all multiples of Itself :) - in that sense, there would seem to be a family of individual entities all sharing one universal MIND or consciousness. We extend in space and time as individual lifestreams from the Great Central Sun,...the Infinite I AM, who is the essence of pure being and consciousness. 'I Am' is the very nature, identity and essence of being itself, so is our true nature.

All that is, exists in the consciousness of the 'I Am', who is LIGHT. When the 'I Am' goes, nothing else is.


“I AM” IS Law, if there is missing one Law to come All goes and the End has come, BUT that cannot happen, God is ALL Law and He is ONE Law!!

Paul – 050813


Eclectic Theosophist


“I AM” IS Law, if there is missing one Law to come All goes and the End has come, BUT that cannot happen, God is ALL Law and He is ONE Law!!

Paul – 050813

I agree that we could say 'God' is Law, being the fundamental law of Being itself, with the laws of potentiality and movement inherent within itself, extending thru-out Creation. 'God' has no beginning or ending however, and as long as 'God' IS.... the continuum of creation, with multiple beginnings and ends...continues.



New member
I agree that we could say 'God' is Law, being the fundamental law of Being itself, with the laws of potentiality and movement inherent within itself, extending thru-out Creation. 'God' has no beginning or ending however, and as long as 'God' IS.... the continuum of creation, with multiple beginnings and ends...continues.


God IS the Creation. They are exact equal in majesty and mite, in need and Will, in song and weeping, in all revealing us; and of Himself.

Paul – 050913


Eclectic Theosophist
Enjoying 'God' in all facets........

Enjoying 'God' in all facets........

God IS the Creation. They are exact equal in majesty and mite, in need and Will, in song and weeping, in all revealing us; and of Himself.

Paul – 050913

Yes, understood from a 'non-dual' perspective...where all is Brahman. Only in appearances, names, forms, attributes and qualities...does there appear to be a 'difference' from 'God' and 'Creation', as the creative potential inherent in 'God' unfolds naturally, and all the conditional realms of existence...as ever unfolding.

Personalities/egos/individual mind expressions also appear to arise in the greater context of creation. As all individual and particular forms and expressions of energy and consciousness subside or submerge back into the universal original Infinite MIND....there is only seen to be that MIND existing, from the non-dual point of view, as in reality (the all-pervading substance) there is not two of anything, but only that original substance (Brahman).

'I Am' (Real God) is therefore Self-evident as Being. There is no such thing as 'not-being' or 'non-being' unless such be a conceptual sense of a state that is 'unmanifest' (only 'potential') or 'invisible', but still....'Brahman' is that universal reality from which all invisible and visible forms derive, since there is only that. I draw fundamentally as a base from the tradition of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality), and other forms of 'non-dualism'. A new thread on 'non-dualism' is forthcoming.

What is reality? Reality is what IS always already being, or actual (having latent within IT all potentials). Even 'God' in his/her many personifications springs from the Original Brahman which is the substrate of all that is,....and takes on such forms to relate to 'others' and be worshipped thereby (by various names/personalities). Behind it all however, is the Father/Mother of all personalities, the Original Personality of God Itself, who individes its original unity in TWO as bi-general (masculine/feminine). We could go on :)......but this will suffice for now. There are two aspects of 'God', the indefinitive and definitive.




New member
Yes, understood from a 'non-dual' perspective...where all is Brahman. Only in appearances, names, forms, attributes and qualities...does there appear to be a 'difference' from 'God' and 'Creation', as the creative potential inherent in 'God' unfolds naturally, and all the conditional realms of existence...as ever unfolding.

Personalities/egos/individual mind expressions also appear to arise in the greater context of creation. As all individual and particular forms and expressions of energy and consciousness subside or submerge back into the universal original Infinite MIND....there is only seen to be that MIND existing, from the non-dual point of view, as in reality (the all-pervading substance) there is not two of anything, but only that original substance (Brahman).

'I Am' (Real God) is therefore Self-evident as Being. There is no such thing as 'not-being' or 'non-being' unless such be a conceptual sense of a state that is 'unmanifest' (only 'potential') or 'invisible', but still....'Brahman' is that universal reality from which all invisible and visible forms derive, since there is only that. I draw fundamentally as a base from the tradition of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality), and other forms of 'non-dualism'. A new thread on 'non-dualism' is forthcoming.

What is reality? Reality is what IS always already being, or actual (having latent within IT all potentials). Even 'God' in his/her many personifications springs from the Original Brahman which is the substrate of all that is,....and takes on such forms to relate to 'others' and be worshipped thereby (by various names/personalities). Behind it all however, is the Father/Mother of all personalities, the Original Personality of God Itself, who individes its original unity in TWO as bi-general (masculine/feminine). We could go on :)......but this will suffice for now. There are two aspects of 'God', the indefinitive and definitive.



God IS, and is constant renewal, or rebirth. Every moment, the Creation ends, with a renewal of self. Better, cannot exist, for in a moment the Creation is Old and must be again, renewed. – He came from the beginning and the beginning is Still - Silent, and screams out; “I AM still new”!. Who can hear the silence of the birth again? – With every moment the Old says anew; > The Creation declares the glory of God; and the ground sheweth his handywork. Day unto day they uttereth speech, and night unto night they sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. – Psalms 19:1-3 KJV - And I listened; - and I AM is renewed. Then I looked, and I saw, all things new.

Paul – 050913


Eclectic Theosophist
God IS, and is constant renewal, or rebirth. Every moment, the Creation ends, with a renewal of self. Better, cannot exist, for in a moment the Creation is Old and must be again, renewed. – He came from the beginning and the beginning is Still - Silent, and screams out; “I AM still new”!. Who can hear the silence of the birth again? – With every moment the Old says anew; > The Creation declares the glory of God; and the ground sheweth his handywork. Day unto day they uttereth speech, and night unto night they sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. – Psalms 19:1-3 KJV - And I listened; - and I AM is renewed. Then I looked, and I saw, all things new.

Paul – 050913

Yes,...in the eternal 'Now'....is newness of Being, since the Alive Present is ever alive itself as its own dynamic, including all 'actual' and 'potential' reality. It is only in the play of space & time (creation) that a 'new creation' is perceived or assumed at any time, as 'God' unveils itself in a snapshot of time, or dimension of space as the eternal nucleus of 'light' and 'life'. The ETernal itself however is beyond or prior to any definition of 'old' or 'new', since it is the original ground from which all dualities, opposites and polarities make their distinctions and appearances as a play of perception. God (Brahman) is ever the absolute, original, ultimate and infinite reality behind all that 'is' or is 'not'. It is only when consciousness reflects itself to itself is IT the "I Am",...and if 'God' is not aware or conscious of Being or any creation....it might assume "It is not"...but such would only be conjecture, since there would be no Identity or Self-reflection outside of consciousness.



New member
Yes,...in the eternal 'Now'....is newness of Being, since the Alive Present is ever alive itself as its own dynamic, including all 'actual' and 'potential' reality. It is only in the play of space & time (creation) that a 'new creation' is perceived or assumed at any time, as 'God' unveils itself in a snapshot of time, or dimension of space as the eternal nucleus of 'light' and 'life'. The ETernal itself however is beyond or prior to any definition of 'old' or 'new', since it is the original ground from which all dualities, opposites and polarities make their distinctions and appearances as a play of perception. God (Brahman) is ever the absolute, original, ultimate and infinite reality behind all that 'is' or is 'not'. It is only when consciousness reflects itself to itself is IT the "I Am",...and if 'God' is not aware or conscious of Being or any creation....it might assume "It is not"...but such would only be conjecture, since there would be no Identity or Self-reflection outside of consciousness.


Thank You freelight!!

I’ve truly enjoyed disputing with you over the time.

Paul – 060713


Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.


New member
Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

You must not have read it!! - God said that He rested from the “Work” that He HAD DONE. - The planting and growing the Garden of God was not the WORK of – “Laboring”, but of Joy. The same thing God gave Adam; - to Keep and Dress the Garden. That was not Labor, but the joy of loving Righteousness / Obedience of Christ. – The Keeping the Bride of Christ, the Church well groomed and adorned with the jewels of God, is not Labor either, But the Glorious Work of the Love of Christ. The works of righteousness is not Labor, but Joy, even though one may die because of the hardships!!!

Paul – 060713
Last edited:


You must not have read it!! - God said that He rested from the “Work” that He HAD DONE. - The planting and growing the Garden of God was not the WORK of – “Laboring”, but of Joy. The same thing God gave Adam; - to Keep and Dress the Garden. That was not Labor, but the joy of loving Righteousness / Obedience of Christ. – The Keeping the Bride of Christ, the Church well groomed and adorned with the jewels of God, is not Labor either, But the Glorious Work of the Love Christ. The works of righteousness is not Labor, but Joy, even though one may dye because of the hard ships!!!

Paul – 060713
Thank you Paul.