Hypothetical re: tattoos, body mods, weird contacts, etc

Hypothetical re: tattoos, body mods, weird contacts, etc

  • No. He doesn't "own" those jobs because he didn't build that business. Those jobs belong to all.

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Well-known member
Suppose you own a business, the main clients of which are older, socially conservative family types. One day, a person such as one of these applies for a job.

Question: knowing that having this person in your employ will cause your business to suffer (a good portion of your customer base won't tolerate it), should you have the right to refuse to hire such a person on those grounds? For example, if they sue you and claim you didn't hire them because of their "modifications," should you be able to say "Yep, that's right, my business, my jobs, my rules" and go on with your life?

Notice the question asks SHOULD you have such a right, not DO you have it in your particular nation, state or municipality.


Hall of Fame
IMO, this is something that employer should always make their employees aware of PRIOR to hiring and firing.

But yes, the employers business is directly affected by how the employees perform as well as the first impression the customer has when walking into the establishment.