Friday, October 7th, 2022
*It’s Official! Join Fred Williams and the entire RSR family in welcoming Doug McBurney as the official co-host of Real Science Radio!
*Coming Around on Neanderthal: Fred discusses the Nobel Laureate helping bring the secular scientific world closer to coming around on the fact that “Neanderthals” are in fact human.
*Setting the (Fossil) Record Straight: Trace fossils and are a problem for every Creationist Flood Model. But do they disqualify any of them?
*We want You to Join Us: RSR will require $30,000.00 to stay on the air for another year. This is your opportunity to join us in a ministry striving to be worthy of your support, and speaking biblical truth in a world gone mad! Click through the TELETHON banner and sponsor, subscribe or buy right now!